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Game On: Teaching Computer Science through Game Design

Colorado Convention Center, 708/10/12

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Urban Arts
Nice to meet you! I'm Wynta, Faculty member at Urban Arts and alumni of our after school program. I help bring engaging and interactive education to schools around the country through Urban Arts' Game On program, an AP course that utilizes game development as its medium. I wholeheartedly agree with a motto we have at UA, which is that a student's education shouldn't be determined by their zip code, especially as someone who grew up in a poor neighborhood. As such, I'm grateful to be able to make a difference for those like me :)
Chief Program Officer
Amy’s work focuses on educational arts and technology programs, and she oversees three U.S. DOE grants that bring Urban Arts’ computer science and game design programs to schools in NYC and beyond. Amy has worked in education for more than 15 years and spearheaded initiatives to offer new STEM programs, enhance digital learning, and provide study abroad opportunities for students underrepresented in international education. An award-winning Career & Technical Education (CTE) educator, Amy is the author of Real World Communication and has also been published in Computers and Composition Digital Press, the Journal of Civic Commitment, and Kairos Praxis, among others.

Session description

Attendees will explore the teaching of advanced computer science through video game design, even at schools that lack budgets and technology capabilities. Building equity and unparalleled access through innovative curriculum and cutting-edge technology, students learn how to develop their own video games, complete with original art, music, and storytelling.

Purpose & objective

By exploring an equitable and accessible Computer Science model that expands high-impact learning opportunities for all students, participants will develop at least three strategies for implementing inclusive game design, including unplugged and digital activities, into their own classrooms. After completing hands-on activities and discussing practical tips that teachers can immediately use to provide experiential learning through game design, educators in this session will consider how they can help students stay motivated and engaged through game design while building computer science skills.

We will highlight a program called GAME ON: AP CSP THROUGH GAME DESIGN. Funded in part by a USDOE Grant, Game On is a free, research-based school support program for schools to expand or establish an engaging and culturally relevant Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) course offering through Game Design. CS teachers are supported in teaching AP CSP using Game On’s rigorous curriculum and evidence-based pedagogical approach.

Urban Arts has seen the following evidence of success and teaching computer science through game design:

100% of teachers reported that they more strongly believe Game Design is an engaging way to teach Computer Science as a result of their participation in SIA Classroom.
Students experienced statistically significant increases in their interest and confidence in CS, feelings that CS could be useful to them, and feelings of belongingness in CS.

The findings around the professional learning (PL) sequence and the initial classroom implementation were widely positive. Teachers found the PL activities to be high quality, engaging, and useful (WestEd, 2022).
Teachers find that the Game On curriculum creates a high level of engagement for their students… some of the visual inquiry activities were clear favorites (WestEd, 2022).
100% of teachers report feeling more confident with curricular AP content through game design (Exit Tickets, 2022).

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INTRO & DISCUSS (10 minutes): We will begin with audience engagement while sharing objectives. We will introduce Computer Science initiatives that build equity and unparalleled access through innovative curriculum with cutting-edge technology accessible on a device as simple as a Chromebook.

UNPLUGGED ACTIVITY & PEER TO PEER (15 minutes): The technology and skills learned in game design allow for artistic expression and career expansion even beyond gaming. A hands-on activity in this session will highlight the value of learning game design in Computer Science, especially for students from backgrounds underrepresented in tech fields.

MAKE IT ACTIONABLE (25 minutes): We will explore practices that ensure student learning differences are honored through student-led, project-based learning to master Computer Science material. After hearing student voices, an additional activity will present free resources for educators and lead attendees in developing their takeaways on connecting game design to AP CSP.

Q&A (10 minutes)

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Supporting research

Game On: Teaching The AP CSP Through Game Design

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Session specifications

Computer science & computational thinking
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Principals/head teachers, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
Subject area:
Computer science, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces or in the field.
  • Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge or connections.