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Stories as learning environments

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 33

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Pedagogical Coordinator
I am an experienced professional in education with a passion for life-long learning. I hold a BA in Philosophy (Universidad de Montevideo) and an MA in Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching (University of Nottingham). Due to my interest in language learning, I have worked in the areas of teaching and curriculum development for the last 20 years. My current job at Ceibal (Uruguay’s digital technology center for education innovation at the service of public education policies) has allowed me to promote technology as a leverage for education, favoring equity and inclusion from a human-centered perspective.
Leandro Folgar is the president of Ceibal, a public initiative that provides technology and education to all students and teachers in Uruguay. He leads the national Edtech strategy, which has overcome the COVID-19 crisis. He is also an associate professor at Universidad Católica del Uruguay (UCU), where he teaches and researches on education, innovation, and technology. He holds degrees from Harvard University and UCU. He is a former Fulbright Scholar, a businessman, and a consultant. He started his career as a teacher and has 13 years of experience in education. He is a speaker, a researcher, and a visionary leader in Edtech.

Session description

An exploration at the intersection of communication, education and technology. Proud to share the experience of the first media laboratory with a focus on quality learning. Challenges in the construction of transmedia educational narratives. The case, the use of a story as a generator of learning opportunities.

Purpose & objective

We know how important stories are to entertain, inform and inspire people around the world. The power of a narrative is incomparable and we have decided to put it at the service of learning.

In 2015 we embarked on the task of putting into practice our fundamental principle of learning by doing. It was not until the pandemic that crossed our life paths that we began to use stories as the essence of new learning environments proposed by this initiative. Along the way we learned a lot of things. Possibly the most important, if we want to motivate student participation, is that we must build narratives that develop in the spaces they inhabit. In the words of Henry Jenkins “transmedia is the culture produced for the generation that grew up watching Pokémon, Star Wars and He-Man.” We know that the playful nature facilitates the internalization of knowledge and the immersive power of the game to fill everything with meaning.

There is nothing new in using stories and games to learn, but there is nothing new in designing an experience that uses a gamified story as a common thread. What is innovative? Use a novel as a learning environment, providing content of high educational value that generates genuine interest in students between 10 and 15 years old. With what objectives?
* Promote reading in a broad sense in non-traditional ways.
* Promote problem solving, accompany the teacher in integrating the narrative into their didactic proposal, being an ideal partner in the new competency approach promoted by the Educational Transformation in progress.
* Investigate with a prospective view the generation of original content of high educational value.
* Lead the convergence process of different specialty areas, integrating contributions from communication, technologies and creative industries to achieve more and better learning.

Our novels “Mystery of Cabo Frio” and “1930: the trilogy” are the result of that exploration. Not having readers, audiences, or spectators, but protagonists. Currently, these educational narratives are made up, in addition to the books themselves, of a game, a radio soap opera, an agile reading version, a comic, a Minecraft tournament, an open investigation in video podcast format, a collection of postcards, a reading club, among other expansions (available at

Uruguayan teachers interested in using this narrative in their teaching proposals will be able to access specific educational materials and resources. A landing in the classroom in a personalized and collaborative way among colleagues.

Uruguay applies the national adaptive English test (TAI) where the impact of the use of the comic version of this novel is recorded. The greatest differentials are achieved in the most vulnerable quintile (2022 data).

Ceibal has been providing devices, platforms and resources for the educational system for more than 16 years. The initiative represents a new generation of challenges. In addition to all the content that you acquire in the logical catalog to make available, reserve a small portion of “original content”. This allows it to become an institutional platform for research, creation and experimental production for quality learning.

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15 minutes:
The meaning of this exploration, why stories as learning environments? The virtues of transmedia to generate learning opportunities.

10 minutes:
Our first novel: Mystery of Cabo Frio. Its expansions. The case of the comic in English. Its impact. The reading club. Accompaniment to teachers with resources and MOOC courses.

20 minutes:
Our first trilogy, the case "1930: the trilogy" (trailer).
A soccer World Cup as an open research opportunity. Now also a Minecraft tournament. Research in the eSport world. A live action in the National Parliament. A postage stamp. The comic about women's football.

5 minutes:
Some results. The most read book of the year. An exploration with the publishing world.

10 minutes:
Second generation challenges. The pains of growing. Opportunities and challenges of this approach.

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Supporting research

Jenkins, H. (2006).
Convergence Culture

Exploiting transmedia skills and informal learning strategies to improve formal education

Special program:
TV report on the project
Via Youtube

Project selected by the "National Agency for Innovation and Research" of Uruguay for the NOVA Award in the "Social Impact" category

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Session specifications

Skill level:
Library media specialists, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, Windows, iOS
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Web browser on any device with internet.
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Computational Thinker
  • Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving.
Creative Communicator
  • Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.