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Engaging Families in the Learning Cycle

Colorado Convention Center, Innovation Arcade: Emergent Tech Classroom A

Innovation arcade: Model lesson experience
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Executive Director of Strategy
Distinctive Schools
Stephanie Cardella scales personalized learning as Executive Director of Strategy of LEAP Innovations through professional development, coaching, and design thinking to revolutionize the learning experiences where students believe in themselves and are empowered to own their learning. With over two decades in education and district leadership, she led K-12 curriculum (re)design, innovation, personalized learning and strategic planning in urban, suburban, and dual language schools. She holds Master’s Degrees in Language & Literacy and Educational Leadership providing a strong foundation in learning science, instructional best practices, and systems thinking.
Innovation Design Team Member
LEAP Innovations
Kathy Clough brings personalized learning into the classroom everyday as an Assistant Principal in the Distinctive Schools network, through instructional coaching, professional development and design thinking. In partnership with LEAP Innovations, she supports schools in revolutionizing learning experiences where students believe in themselves and are empowered to own their learning. She holds Master’s Degree and 10 years of classroom experience.
Senior Innovation Partner
LEAP Innovations
Colleen Padgett is dedicated to educational equity and access for all as Senior Innovation Partner at Distinctive Schools. Starting in 2007, she was a kindergarten teacher, Mentor Teacher, Instructional Coach, and Assistant Principal at CICS West Belden before becoming Principal (2016-2023). Colleen's focus is on relationship-building, student well-being, joy, and a challenging curriculum. She played a key role in designing and implementing a nationally-recognized innovation model at CICS West Belden. Colleen works to meet the unique needs of K-8 students, fostering social-emotional wellness and a culture of love and care.

Session description

A strong home-school partnership and connection is key to a learner’s success. Explore practical tools and strategies to engage families in the learning cycle that empower the learner, communicate student progress, and deepen the family-classroom relationship.

Purpose & objective

Purpose: To increase the content knowledge and skills of teachers so that they can
-Engage the learner in reflection on the learning process (goals, competencies, progress, celebrations, action steps, etc.)
-Leverage learner driven strategies to increase parent engagement during learning process. To create conditions that support two-way communication with families.
-Increase 1:1 communication and develop a sense of belonging

Presentation will be designed in a 5E format to ensure high-audience participation and hands-on learning.

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- Participants will learn multiple strategies to increase and improve their family engagement within the learning process through learned driven strategies. The strategies will be integrated with best practices, inclusive instruction, and pe

Introduction: 2 minutes
- Review purpose of presentation, agenda & KUDs
- Presenter introduction
- Identify who is in the room

Engage: 3 minutes
- Participants will self- reflect and identify the parent engagement strategies currently in place, frequency, and effectiveness

Explore: 5 minutes
- Small-groups/Triads - share learning. Identify one new idea you heard from your group.

Explain: 10 minutes
-Why family engagement and communication matters
-Research highlights of sense of belonging, strong home-school relationships, and effective communication on learning
-Direct Communication between triad (student, family & teacher)
-Importance of learner agency and ownership of the learning process and being able to articulate the learning journey. Learner Connected & Driven practices to
-LEAP Learning Framework (Learner Connected)
-Inclusive language for varying family roles

Elaborate: Learn & Apply: 30 minutes
 The strategies will be customized based upon the background and roles of participants. 3-4 strategies
will be selected
Strategy #1 Empathy Interviews (Family → Teacher
Strategy #2 Weekly Reflection (video, written, template) on goals, celebrations, and challenges (Student → Family)
Strategy #3 Monthly Touchpoint with Praise (Teacher → Family)
Strategy #4 Stop & Shine (Teacher → Family, Student → Family Student→Student)
Strategy #5 Unit Goal Setting, Progress Updates & Action Steps (Student →Family

Expand: 5 minutes
- Supporting Communication for Students with Unique Needs (Diverse learner, English Learner, Divorced Families, etc.

Evaluate: 3 minutes
- Head, Heart & Foot: Participants will reflect on what they learned and identify next step to increase/improve family communication and learner driven strategies. Google Form or Closing Circle

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Supporting research

The LEAP Learning Framework (TM)

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Session specifications

Personalized learning
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Principals/head teachers, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Equity and Citizenship Advocate
  • Ensure all students have access to the technology and connectivity necessary to participate in authentic and engaging learning opportunities.
For Educators:
  • Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
For Students:
Creative Communicator
  • Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.