Event Information
The purpose of this presentation is to share an innovative teaching strategy that supports non-traditional students in merging their coursework with their job experiences. Participants will gain insight on how a two-course series is setup to guide students in a team-based approach with a focus on inter-career advancement. I will discuss the content of the first course which includes personality assessments and self-productivity methods and how that course feeds into the capstone course. The capstone course involves students researching a solution to a technical problem and writing a business proposal. The students present their solutions to business leaders. The business leaders discuss the proposed solutions and presentations to determine the best solution/presentation, another wards, the 'winner'. Resources with sample lesson plans, strategies for success, and student and business leaders feedback will be shared with attendees.
I plan to have a 10 minute presentation that can be repeated throughout the duration of the poster session. This presentation will have an overview of the project-based course design and testimonials from past students and participating business leaders. This format allows conference participants to view the presentation while I am in discussion with other conference participants.
Myers-Briggs personality assessment: https://themyersbriggs.com
Getting Things Done, the art of stress-free productivity by David Allen ISBN: 0143126563
The Guide to Persuasive Business Writing: A New Model That Gets Results Second Edition by Royce Murcherson ISBN: 978-1-5249-5416-1