To rethink student motivation and engagement through the reintroduction of thematic units with the integration of Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core (CCSS) across the curriculum. It’s done through a Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology fully fullimmirsing students into each them. Each unit includes a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM), social studies, ELA (reading, writing, and speaking), math, music, and PE.
5 minutes Welcome/Introductions
10 minutes Share video, photos, and slides showcasing the immersive experience my second and third-graders experience in the space unit.
5 minutes Sharing the concept of introducing thematic units back into science and the NGSS to motivate and engage students. Introduce how Interdisciplinary Units can streamline the teaching of state standards and free up instructional time.
10 minutes Share the ways that I integrated nearly 40 grade-level standards into a single interdisciplinary space unit.
5 minutes Share how I’ve created a similar interdisciplinary animal unit to cover a wide range of standards.
10 minutes Share my process for creating the interdisciplinary units.
15 minutes Provide time for attendees to share their thoughts and ideas for interdisciplinary units in small groups and with the greater group.
5 minutes Wrap-up the discussions- Have attendees share any take-aways they’ve had.
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Drake, S. M., & Burns, R. C. (2004). Meeting standards through integrated curriculum. ASCD.
Edutopia. (2013, May 19). Integrated studies research review: Evidence-based practices and programs.
Edutopia. (2013, May 19). Integrated studies research review: Evidence-based practices and programs.
Mabast. (2020, September 29). The case for interdisciplinary learning in your child's education. STEM and Arts Education Programs.
Maine Department of Education. (n.d.). Why is interdisciplinary instruction important? | Department of Education.,considering%20it%20from%20multiple%20perspectives
Minner, D.D., Levy, A.J., and Century, J. (2010). Inquiry-Based Science Instruction --
What Is It and Does It Matter? Results from a Research Synthesis, Years 1984 to 2002 (PDF)
Nurlaela, L., Samani, M., Asto, G. P., & S C Wibawa, S. C. (2017, May). The effect of thematic learning model, learning style, and reading ability on the students' learning outcomes [Paper presentation]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 296, The Consortium of Asia-Pacific Education Universities (CAPEU) , Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia.
Romance, N. R., & Vitale, M. R. (2012, December 12). Expanding the Role of K-5 Science Instruction in Educational Reform: Implications of an Interdisciplinary Model for Integrating Science and Reading. Wiley Online Library.
The Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College. (2022, December 16). Why teach with an interdisciplinary approach? Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching.