Event Information
Higher Ed Faculty and secondary educators often have busy schedules filled with coordinating research, teaching, administrative tasks, and other responsibilities.
Learning effective research project organization can help them manage their time more efficiently, and interact more meaningfully with student researchers. This session also introduces helpful workflows to aid in the research process itself.
1. Overview of objectives (3 min)
2. Researcher Icebreaker (4 min)
3. Discussion of their current projects (5 min)
Discuss the difference between research & Searching (3 min)
4. Turn & Talk: Discuss the need to collaborate on research (4 min)
5. Hands-on: Explore features of Sheets/Excel which aid in collaboration & viewing the progress of co-collaborators. (10 min)
6. Hands-on: Learn how to formulate a collaborative research doc, an annotated bib in Sheets/Excel, and detailed to-do list. (10 min)
7. Hands-on: Learn how to formulate collaborative not sheets (10 min)
8. Hands-on: Explore workflow processes to organize the research process. Hands-on: Learn how to formulate a collaborative annotated bib and other artifacts in Sheets/Excel (15 min)
9: Reflection: In small groups make a plan for how they will incorporate collaboration or workflow into their own research (10 min)
10. Share out of ideas (5 min)