Identify strategies for setting boundaries during the school year for educators
Explore systems to streamline work and improve efficiency
Create personalized systems for teachers and students to maximize efficiency
Conduct a time audit and personalize a work schedule that prioritizes the most important work
Introduction + Using the Notecatcher (5 min)
Setting Boundaries: Email best practices, the 24 hour rule, other ways to set boundaries on your time (10 min)
Systems to Streamline Work + Improve Efficiency: Redefining productivity, The Eisenhower Matrix, Planning your daily work, Pomodoro technique, How to create a classroom system to save time, Example system: Managing redos (15 min)
Mastering your Schedule: Conducting a time audit, Mapping out your weekly schedule, Batching work (15 min)
Time Saving Hacks: Building in repetition, Creating and not wasting time (7 min)
Making Actionable Commitments (3 min)
Q+A (5 min)