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Base Camp for Creatives Playground

Colorado Convention Center, Playground A

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Veteran ELA Educator + Adjunct Professor
Southern Regional HS / The College of NJ
Kate Baker, M.Ed and MAIT, is Head of Community Engagement for BookWidgets, a 20+-year veteran high school English teacher, board member of the Flipped Learning Network, & contributing author of "Flipping 2.0: Practical Strategies for Flipping Your Classroom." Kate adeptly integrates technology and SEL in her professional development experiences using flipped-blended learning strategies and has been recognized as a PBS LearningMedia Local Digital Innovator, American Graduate Champion, and NCTE-CEL Teacher-Leader of Excellence. Passionate about amplifying authentic learning with edtech, Kate shares her expertise with the global education community via Twitter @KtBkr4 and LinkedIn.
Teaching and Learning Consultant
DeLair Consulting, LLC
Amy DeLair has over 10 years of experience elementary education, teaching in Washington, DC and Chicago, IL Public Schools. She has always been interested in the intersection of technology and education, ways to thoughtfully integrate tech into her classroom and school community, and how to encourage colleagues to try new platforms. Amy and her husband, Derrick, live in San Diego, CA where she open water swims and spends her days with her new office mate: Winston the cat.
Technology Integration Specialist
Zionsville Community Schools
@Stevie Frank
Stevie Frank (she/her) is a technology integration specialist for Zionsville Community Schools in Indiana. Stevie’s been in education for 13 years in an elementary/middle school setting. She’s earned her masters degree in Literacy Education from Indiana University at Indianapolis and is always seeking to learn more about how to become a better educator for ALL her students. When she’s not in the classroom, she’s chasing around her two boys and marking off travels from her bucket list.
Mansfield/Jordan Jackson
Dr. Rayna Freedman is a 5th grade teacher at the Jordan/Jackson Elementary School in Mansfield, MA. She has taught grades 3-5 and is an ITS. Rayna has a B.S. in Education from the University of Vermont and a M.Ed in Educational Technology from Lesley University. She received her doctorate through Northeastern in teaching, learning, leading, and curriculum. Rayna is the past President of MassCUE. Rayna has presented for ISTE, Ed Tech Teacher, Tech and Learning, Medfield Digital Learning Day, FETC, BPLC, and BLC.She is a Google and Magic School AI trainer.
Content Development Editor, English Language Learning Materials
U.S. Department of State/ ECA
Jacqueline Gardy is a Virtual Exchange Specialist and Materials Editor in the U.S. Department of State in Washington, DC at the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in the Office of English Language Programs. Prior to this, she was an English Language Fellow in Novi Sad, Serbia, through the State Department’s English Language Fellow Program, and was a high school ESOL teacher and community college ESL teacher. She has been on the board of the ISTE Online and Blended Learning Network and the M-Education Alliance. Her interests are in design thinking, edtech in low-resourced environments, and creative thinking.
Manuel is an international speaker, an accomplished illustrator, and a veteran educator. He specializes in sketchnoting, visual thinking, and design thinking. Over the past 22 years, Manuel has keynoted and led workshops across the globe at conferences such as SXSWEdu, ISTE, TCEA, MassCUE, FETC & The International Sketchnote Camp. Manuel has illustrated books, publications, and graphics for a variety of organizations, publishers, and schools. In 2018 Manuel became a Google Innovator at LAX18. Currently, Manuel is a Canva Learning Consultant and a Learning and Development Specialist for Washington University in St. Louis. Follow Manuel on Twitter & Instagram at @manuelherrera33.
Integration Technology
Holliston High School
Sarah Kuhne is a master maker with a passion for integration of technology, building relationships, and bringing together community and culture through innovative practices. With a background in the ELA classroom, she continues her curiosity around creating meaningful opportunities for all students through the lens of PBL and SEL. With the love of English and Tech, her latest inspiration includes the emphasis on human connection in the world of AI. Ultimately, she continues the philosophy around a growth mindset with a vision for collaboration and positive change for the future of education.
Business & Technology Teacher
Holliston High School Holliston, MA
Taryn Grigas Lang is a high school business educator focused on bringing innovative strategies into a collaborative classroom environment. Design Thinking Principles have become a key ingredient in her teachings with a goal to show students the power of thought process and creativity in owning their learning. As a lifelong learner, she continues to grow her skills and experience as the world of education continues to evolve. Next up-integrating the latest and greatest with AI into her current curriculum. It’s all about the JOY and taking risks that continues her passion for all things education.
Campus Technology Coach/Teacher
Conroe ISD
Nicole Lipps is a passionate educator with 18 years of experience. She has taught grades 3-8 and currently serves as a Campus Technology Liaison and 8th Grade US History Teacher in Houston, Texas. She explores innovative teaching methods and is dedicated to student success and amplifying voices through technology. A Google Certified Trainer and Innovator, Adobe Creative Educator Leader and Innovator, and Apple Learning Coach, Nicole is also a lifelong learner with a Master's in Applied Digital Learning. Her commitment to staying current with educational trends underscores her belief in the transformative power of technology in learning.
Academic Coach
Prepa Anahuac Mexico Campus Oxford
Mexican teacher, K-12 since 2015. BA in Psychology, MA in English teaching and Neuroeducation. Languages: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese. Currently teaching high school and University students.
High school teacher
Prepa Anahuac Mexico Campus Oxford
Mexican Teacher. I have been teaching for 18 years at different educational levels at the Semper Altius schools in Mexico, all the subjects I have taught have been about human development; I love swimming and eating cookies. I have studied a Master in education at IES. I consider education as the basis for the development of every human being.
Godwyn Morris is the Director of Dazzling Discoveries STEM Education Center in NYC and Skill MIll NYC, maker space style facilities in New York City. Her mission is to empower kids through hands-on creative experiences. She is the inventor of DazzLinks Cardboard Building Kits, co-creator of Engineering with Paper packets; projects that can be made with just paper, tape and scissors. Several of her projects have been published in the New York Times.
Department Head
Prepa Anáhuac Campus Oxford México
Luisa Oropeza, i'm a biologist and also I have a master degree in education, currently I work as a science coach in high school. We use the problem-based learning model and I try to involve technological scopes to have a multidisciplinary view at school.
Director of Design and Innovation
Community Regional Charter School
Design thinker, improviser, and educator, Dan Ryder is Director of Design and Innovation and a learning facilitator at CRCS Overman in rural Skowhegan, Maine. Public charter school CRCS Overman provides a customized, project -based learning experience for learners of all abilities and backgrounds, grades 7-12. Dan also consults with the Office of English Language Programs at the US Department of State, creating content such as Panels and Perspectives: Creating Comics in the EFL Classroom and co-facilitating experiences such as the global PD, AE Comics VX. He's also co-author of Intention: Critical Creativity in the Classroom w Amy Burvall.
Director of Digital Learning and Innovation
Nashoba Regional School District
Through conferences, district leadership, and instructional coaching, Jed Stefanowicz leads strategic transformation of teaching and learning through the use of technology. As Director of Digital Learning and Innovation for the Nashoba Regional School District in Massachusetts, Jed engages and builds staff/student digital learning capacity, focusing on practice over product. As a 30 year educator, coach, speaker, author, Jed shares his passion for effective tech integration to transform teaching and learning, creating engaging and equitable digital learning environments and experiences. He is the Author of AIM Toward Digital Learning, Impact to Influence, and Beyond the Bulletin Board.
Learning Consultant
Canva for Education
Janice Wintermyer spent 15 years in the classroom as an ELA teacher and an Instructional Coach for Technology. She loves helping teachers discover how to meaningfully integrate educational technology tools, especially Canva for Education, into their classrooms. Janice is passionate about helping students become creators and showing teachers how they can develop lessons and projects that foster creativity and engagement while still focusing on desired learning outcomes and connecting to standards.
Utah Coalition For Educational Technology
Matthew Winters is a Utah Education Network trainer specializing in Google Workspaces for Edu. He is also GEGUtah co-leader and Utah Coalition for Educational Technology (UCET) President for 2022-2024, our Utah ISTE affiliate. He is a former English Language Arts teacher at the secondary and college level.
Speech Language Pathologist
Norton Public Schools
Kim Zajac, is a certified SLP and Audiologist in Norton, MA. She is an Educator Mentor for the Vital Prize Challenge and an Adobe Creative Educator Leader. She is an affiliated virtual practicum instructor at Speech@Emerson Graduate Program. Kim is a former MassCUE board member, Conference Committee Lead & Co-Leader of Inclusive Learning SIG. Kim is a Co-Founder of @EdCampSoutheasternMA. She has presented at SXSWEDU, ISTE, MassCUE, DL Boston, & NYC Schools Tech Summit. Kim specializes in creating programs and sharing learning strategies to support students with diverse learning needs. She is passionate about establishing equitable access and inclusion for ALL students.

Session description

Complex challenges facing our communities require flexible and unexpected solutions. How might we provide all learners and educators opportunities to grow their capacities for creative thinking and expression? Explore strategies designed for just that at our six creative stations where you can learn, share and create to jump-start teaching and learning.

Purpose & objective

Participants will explore game-on-get-after-it strategies designed to grow and expand creative capacity by visiting "The Stage" session and moving through 6 "Creative Stations", where they can learn, share, and create to jumpstart their teaching and learning. Any and all of these activities can be used in no-tech or low-tech environments, using devices or paper. Session leaders will discuss ways to adapt activities for specific learning environments and situations.

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The Stage: Stay tuned for detailed description.

Station A: Stay tuned for detailed description.
Station B: Stay tuned for detailed description.
Station C: Stay tuned for detailed description.
Station D: Stay tuned for detailed description.
Station E: Stay tuned for detailed description.
Station F: Stay tuned for detailed description.

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Supporting research

Ali, Mohammed & Ilyas, Dr. Mohammed. (2020). Blends as Discourse Markers for Enhancing Students' Competency of English Vocabulary at Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. 10. 2020.
Alves, J., Gardy, J., and Daniel Ryder. “Panels and Perspectives: Creating Comics in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom.” 2020. Global Publishing Solutions, Manila, Philippines.
“Blind Readers and Comics: Reflecting on Comics' Storytelling from a Different Perspective.” Comics Forum, 4 Aug. 2019,
Burvall, Amy, and Dan Ryder. Intention: Critical Creativity in the Classroom. EdTechTeam Press, 2017.
Dombrowski, Matt. Limbitless Creativity. Adobe Blog, 2018.
Heath, Chip. The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact
Hill, Linda. How to Manage for Collective Creativity. 2015.
Jacobs, Jessica. (2018). Intersections in Design Thinking and Art Thinking: Towards Interdisciplinary Innovation. Creativity. 5. 4-25. 10.1515/ctra-2018-0001.
Mattson, Kristen. Digital Citizenship in Action Empowering Students to Engage in Online Communities. International Society for Technology in Education, 2017.
Needles, Tim. STEAM Power: Infusing Art Into Your STEM Curriculum by Tim Needles (Author).
Provenzano, Nicholas. Creativity in the Classroom. Edutopia, 2015,
Sousanis, Nick. Unflattening. Harvard University Press, 2015.
Williams, Jennifer. Teach Boldly: Using Edtech for Social Good Illustrated Edition.

More [+]

Session specifications

Creativity & curation tools
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Teachers, Teacher education/higher ed faculty
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
We don't know this until we do the CFP for creative educators to apply to present
Subject area:
ELL, Language arts
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.
  • Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge or connections.
For Students:
Creative Communicator
  • Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.