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Empowering School Leaders: Harnessing AI for Educational Transformation

Colorado Convention Center, 709/11

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Highlands Ranch High School
2023 Colorado Principal of the Year Christopher Page // Highlands Ranch, CO Highlands Ranch High School For over a decade, Dr. Chris Page has been a cornerstone of high school administration, with nine years as principal at Highlands Ranch High School. He has shaped policies, mentored educators, and implemented restorative approaches to student challenges, driving transformative change throughout the school. Previously, Dr. Page taught social studies to middle and high school students, playing a key role in their transitions. His experience launching new schools has given him deep insight into fostering a positive climate and enriching school culture.
Assistant Principal
Highlands Ranch High School
Keri Stuebinger, an assistant principal of Highlands Ranch High School is a dedicated educator focused on creating academic opportunities and pathways that meet high school and postsecondary goals for all students. Throughout her 22 years at HRHS, she has served as an English teacher, Dean, and Assistant Principal. Her passion for students drives her work with Career and Technical Education, assessment data, PLCs, and state level testing. Whether it be through concurrent enrollment and AP Courses, data-driven decisions, or CTE pathways, she dedicates her time and energy to connecting with students and helping them pursue their next endeavor.

Session description

Participants learn from award-winning school leaders how to effectively leverage AI for teaching and learning. They will receive guidance on AI implementation, practical classroom integration, and the crucial role of leadership in these efforts. It will emphasize visionary leadership, strategic planning, and involving students in AI policies and practices.

Purpose & objective

The overview and purpose of the session are to provide educators and school leaders with insights and strategies on effectively leveraging AI in education. The session aims to guide participants in implementing AI tools in classroom instruction and school administration, while emphasizing the importance of visionary leadership and strategic planning. Attendees will learn how to foster a culture of innovation and collaboration within schools and involve students in shaping AI policies and practices. Ultimately, the session seeks to prepare educators and students for a future driven by technology and personalized learning experiences.

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I. Introduction

Overview of AI in education
Importance of integrating AI tools for future-ready learning
II. AI Implementation in Classrooms

Practical methods for integrating AI tools
Case studies of successful AI use in teaching and learning
Challenges and solutions for AI integration
III. Leadership in AI Initiatives

The critical role of school leaders in AI adoption
Visionary leadership and strategic planning for AI
Building a culture of innovation and collaboration
IV. Involving Students in AI Policies

Empowering students in decision-making processes
Strategies for incorporating student voice in AI practices
Benefits of student involvement in shaping AI policies
V. Best Practices and Lessons Learned

Tips for successful AI implementation
Examples of best practices from award-winning leaders
Lessons learned and areas for improvement
VI. Future Outlook and Q&A

The future of AI in education and emerging trends
Open discussion and audience Q&A
VII. Conclusion

Recap of key takeaways
Encouragement for participants to apply insights in their schools

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Session specifications

Artificial Intelligence
Grade level:
Skill level:
Principals/head teachers, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: iOS, Windows, Android
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Subject area:
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Visionary Planner
  • Share lessons learned, best practices, challenges and the impact of learning with technology with other education leaders who want to learn from this work.
Empowering Leader
  • Inspire a culture of innovation and collaboration that allows the time and space to explore and experiment with digital tools.