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Integrating Literacy Across Subject Areas in EdTech Learning Design

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 20

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Senior Director of Learning Design
Barbara Hubert, Ph.D., is the Senior Director of Learning Design at BrainPOP, where she leads the learning design of BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr. Dr. Hubert began her career as an elementary school special education teacher, working for over ten years in public and charter schools in New York City. She established the vision and direction for creating equitable instructional access as a curriculum and instruction manager at New Visions for Public Schools. Her research focuses on traversing the space between discourses of learner difference and equitable and inclusive research-based instructional practice.

Session description

Studies have shown that readers use their background knowledge—vocabulary, facts, and conceptual understanding—to comprehend the text they read. This session will explore how embedding literacy instruction across subjects areas by engaging cognitive strategies helps students make meaning of content. The implications for Edtech product design anchor the conversation.

Purpose & objective

This poster session aims to highlight the importance of integrating literacy instruction within EdTech products across various subject areas. By leveraging cognitive strategies, the session explores how students can construct deeper understanding of content through stronger literacy skills. This poster session seeks to equip educators with a deeper understanding of the value and practical applications of integrating literacy within EdTech learning design, ultimately leading to improved student outcomes.

Objectives (Participant Outcomes):

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

Articulate the role of background knowledge (vocabulary, facts, and conceptual understanding) in reading comprehension.
Explain the benefits of embedding literacy strategies within EdTech products to enhance content mastery.
Identify specific cognitive strategies that can be employed in EdTech design to promote meaningful learning.
Analyze existing EdTech products (using BrainPOP as an example) through the lens of integrated literacy instruction.
Engage in discussions with fellow educators about effective methods for leveraging EdTech tools to empower students as stronger readers and learners.

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Introduction (5 minutes)
* Welcome and introductions
* Session Overview

Content Presentation (30 minutes)

* The Importance of Background Knowledge (5 minutes):
Explain how background knowledge (vocabulary, facts, and conceptual understanding) acts as the foundation for reading comprehension across all subjects.

* Benefits of Integrated Literacy Instruction (5 minutes):
Discuss how integrating literacy strategies within EdTech tools can enhance students' ability to make meaning of content:
Improved vocabulary acquisition and retention
Deeper understanding of complex concepts
Development of critical thinking skills

* Cognitive Strategies for EdTech Design (10 minutes):
Introduce key cognitive strategies that can be integrated into EdTech products to promote meaningful learning.

Case Study: BrainPOP (5 minutes):
Analyze BrainPOP through the lens of integrated literacy strategies.
Highlight how the product utilizes specific strategies to enhance student comprehension.
Encourage audience participation by asking them to identify additional examples within BrainPOP or suggest other EdTech products that effectively integrate literacy.

Application and Reflection (15 minutes)

Design Considerations (5 minutes):
Provide practical considerations for educators and EdTech developers when designing products with integrated literacy instruction:
Alignment with curriculum objectives
Differentiation to cater to various learning styles
Assessment tools to track progress
Encourage audience to brainstorm additional considerations through a short, interactive activity like a quick poll or a collaborative writing exercise.

Reflection and Discussion (5 minutes):
Present prompts for educators to reflect on their own teaching practices:
How can they integrate literacy strategies within their subject area?
Facilitate a group discussion to share ideas and experiences.

Concluding Remarks (5 minutes):
Briefly summarize the key takeaways of the session.

Engagement Throughout the Session:

Visuals: Utilize clear and concise visuals like infographics, screenshots, and diagrams throughout the presentation to enhance understanding and retention.
Interactive Activities: Incorporate short, engaging activities like polls, collaborative brainstorming exercises, and group discussions to maintain audience interest and foster active participation.
Q&A: Dedicate time throughout the session for questions and encourage audience members to share their experiences.

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Supporting research

The Knowledge Gap, Natalie Wexler

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Session specifications

Using the ISTE Standards
Grade level:
Skill level:
Chief technology officers/superintendents/school board members, Coaches, Curriculum/district specialists
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
  • Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.
The submitter of this session has been supported by a company whose product is being included in the session