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Uncheatable Assessments

Colorado Convention Center, Learning Stage

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Author, Speaker, Consultant
Michael Hernandez Consulting
Michael is an award-winning teacher and international speaker whose work focuses on digital and civic literacy, storytelling, project-based learning, and social justice. His book about authentic learning, “Storytelling With Purpose,” rethinks how we teach and learn by embracing student curiosity as a way to bring purpose and joy back to learning. His newsletter, podcast, and published articles help educators and policy makers embrace innovation in education. He is an Apple Distinguished Educator, and National Geographic Grosvenor Teacher Fellow. Follow him on X/Twitter: @cinehead and Instagram: @changing.the.narrative

Session description

Based on a chapter of the ISTE book Storytelling With Purpose and led by author Michael Hernandez, this session will help educators in every subject area solve the challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) and low student engagement through authentic learning projects. Hernandez will unpack case studies and sample lessons, and help you reframe assessment as a constructive, goal-setting exercise based on assignments with purpose beyond the classroom.

Session specifications