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Level Up Learning: Empowering Collaboration and Enhancing Differentiation Using AI

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 21

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Educator Research Partnerships Lead
The presenter would be Mariana Aguilar, VP of Education at GoGuardian and Pear Deck Learning

Session description

Experience why Pear Practice received the ISTE Seal and how it enhances student engagement with gamified, differentiated practice. Explore collaborative or independent practice from the student’s perspective. Educators will learn how to leverage Pear Practice AI tools to save time, generate practice sets instantly, and empower students with personalized feedback.

Purpose & objective

In our information-rich world, student engagement and teacher time are at a premium. During this poster session, we’ll highlight how to increase student engagement, collaboration, and achievement while saving educators time through Pear Practice. Participants will experience how they can easily differentiate using real-time standards-aligned results and enhance student practice.

Educators will be able to easily engage students in standards-aligned collaborative and independent practice.
Educators will be able to use Pear Practice’s AI features to prepare materials in seconds.

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1. The facilitator will have a slide on the screen that will include:
- Pear Practice description
- ISTE Seal
- Teacher/Student quotes about Pear Practice
2. The facilitator will welcome participants, introduce themself, and ask for participant introductions. The facilitator will share the purpose and objectives for this poster session
3. Participants who come to this poster will get the opportunity to choose their own adventure.
- Choose your Pear Practice Experience - Student or Teacher
- Student: Explore Pear Practice as a student in a live collaborative and/or independent practice.
Live Collaborative Practice
-Participants will create their avatar
-Play a collaborative game
Independent Practice
-Complete a Daily Remix
-Use AI Explain Feature
-Explore the Season Map
-Update Avatar
Teacher: Explore Pear Practice Library and Instant Sets
- Teachers will look for content
- Teachers will create an Instant Set using AI to generate a group of practice questions with a link, a video, or a PDF.
Participants will engage with Pear Practice itself, this will include peer-to-peer interactions, device-based activities, and games.
The time participants spend at this station will vary based on the nature of the poster sessions.

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Supporting research

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Session specifications

Artificial Intelligence
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Curriculum/district specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Subject area:
Language arts, Math
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Digital Citizen
  • Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions in the digital world.
Creative Communicator
  • Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.
The submitter of this session has been supported by a company whose product is being included in the session