This session aims to inspire and equip educators with practical insights and strategies to harness technology-driven, student-led community service initiatives within their educational contexts. Participants will explore how the EAST (Education Accelerated by Service and Technology) Initiative addresses real-world academic challenges, empowers students, and integrates technology to achieve authentic, measurable impact in local communities.
Educational Challenge:
The challenge we address is twofold:
1. Fostering meaningful student engagement and active learning.
2. Preparing students for the digital age while nurturing their sense of civic responsibility.
Models Employed:
Student-Led Service Model: We will introduce the concept of students taking the lead in identifying community needs, planning service projects, and utilizing technology for execution.
Project-Based Learning (PBL): We will highlight how EAST programs embody PBL principles by engaging students in authentic, technology-enhanced projects that address real challenges.
Service Learning: This session will emphasize integrating service-learning components and connecting academic content with community service through technology.
By the end of the session, participants will:
1. Understand EAST Initiative: Participants will grasp the core principles of the EAST program and how it addresses the challenge of engaging students in meaningful, technology-enhanced learning experiences.
2. Learn Practical Strategies: Attendees will acquire practical strategies for implementing student-led community service projects, including using specific technology tools.
3. Explore Assessment Techniques: Participants will explore assessment methods that measure the real impact of service projects, demonstrating success in achieving learning objectives.
4. Enhance Digital Citizenship Skills: Educators will learn how to foster responsible digital citizenship and ethical behavior in students engaged in technology-driven projects.
5. Promote Active Learning: Attendees will learn how technology can transform passive learning into active problem-solving and community engagement.
We will share success stories from EAST programs, including details on community impact, improved student engagement, and academic achievements. Attendees will leave with concrete examples and evidence of how technology, service, and learning intersect to create dynamic educational experiences.
This session will include visual depictions of the EAST model's core components, principles, and key features. Students will showcase successful project examples through images, visually appealing graphics, concise text, and discussions with attendees. The amount of time spent on each section is flexible, as attendees can visit the poster at their own convenience. However, below are estimated time allocations for each section as a guideline for attendees:
1. Introduction - Ongoing
- This section serves as a quick introduction to the poster. Attendees can read it as they approach the poster, so no specific time allocation is needed. This portion will include presenters' names and affiliations an an overview of EAST Initiative's significance and purpose.
2. Educational Challenge - 5 minutes
- Attendees can spend around 5 minutes exploring this section, understanding the educational challenges that EAST programs address (on the poster).
3. The EAST Model - 5 minutes
-Presenters will speak to attendees for approximately 5 minutes to grasp the core components and principles of the EAST model through visuals and short “elevator pitch” style presentation.
4. Technology in Action (Interactive Demonstration) - Ongoing
- This is an interactive section, so attendees can spend as much time as they need to explore the projects including slideshows, demonstrations, pictures, and short videos. It may vary from a few minutes to longer, depending on attendee interest.
5. Practical Implementation - 5 minutes
- Provide around 5 minutes for attendees to explore practical steps and considerations for implementing student-led projects with the help of visuals and resources.
6. Success Stories and Data- 5 minutes
- Allow around 5 minutes for attendees to view visuals and data representing real-world success stories from EAST programs. Data and evidence showcasing the effectiveness of the EAST model will be available for attendees.
7. Q&A and Interaction (Presenter Availability) - Flexible
- Presenters will be available for Q&A and discussions. These sessions can last for 15-20 minutes each, depending on attendee interest and participation.
Remember that these time allocations are approximate and flexible. Attendees can choose to spend more or less time on each section based on their individual interests and needs.
1. The EAST Initiative's official website ( provides a wealth of information and reports about the program's impact and success stories.
2. Title: "Service Learning: A Guide to Planning, Implementing, and Assessing Student Projects."
Authors: Andrew Furco and Shelley H. Billig
Description: This book provides a comprehensive guide to service learning, including the use of technology to enhance service learning projects.
3. Bradley-Levine, J., & Mosier, G. (Year). Literature Review on Project-Based Learning. Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning, University of Indianapolis. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/