Explore issues of equity and inclusion related to MTSS data-based decision making.
Practice recognizing potential equity-related issues using the example of SWIS (ODR) equity reports.
Discuss approaches to shared vulnerable decision points.
Aggregated ODR patterns pinpoint contexts that staff perceive as problematic socially or behaviorally. Individual or shared cultural biases often impact staff perceptions and lead to inequities across student demographic groups.
Disaggregating patterns of incidents across the staff may reveal specific vulnerable decision points (VDPs) where bias is influencing perceptions (McIntosh, et al, 2018).
Disaggregating incidents by historically vulnerable demographic group (e.g., race/ethnicity, IEP status, gender, language) reveal potential VDPs that are shared across staff that may be improved through system-level changes.
Custom reporting can be used to further analyze for specific demographic groups what contexts, behaviors, and staff actions are disproportionate, compared to peers.
This session will provide a broad-scale rationale for data-driven equity discussions and provide opportunities to practice analyzing ODR data through the lens of equity and inclusion.
After introductions, there will be a brief section setting the foundations for equity and disproportionality in school discipline. We will then look at various data points to create precise problem statements and the session will end by playing the "Out of this World" space game.