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“I See What You Mean”: Telling Your ISTE Denver Story - Mile Higher

Offsite: See session description for location (available after June 17), Offsite

Participate and share: Trip / Tour
Preregistration Required
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Digital Teaching and Learning Specialist
Wilson County Schools
Kristi loves to enhance student learning, particularly through creating captivating digital narratives with video. Her deep-seated passion for EdTech extends beyond the classroom, fueling her quest for knowledge through travel.
School Library Education Consultant
Dare Co. Schools / NCDPI
Mollee Holloman is a librarian on the Outer Banks of NC, currently on-loan to NCDPI Digital Teaching & Learning as an Innovative Learning Catalyst. She’s a steward of stories and curator of worldly experiences using text + tech; driven to better definite literacy in the digital age through collaboration and co-learning. An active member of ISTE and ALA, she is a graduate of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and earned a Masters in Library Science from East Carolina University.
Digital Teaching and Learning Specialist
Wilson County Schools
Martha is a former teacher and media coordinator who is now working to connect literacy to tech as a Digital Teaching and Learning Specialist with Wilson County Schools in North Carolina. When not reading, she enjoys cooking, baking, knitting and being outside.

Session description

Drawing from Big Blue Bear’s curiosity on the relationship of art, technology & whimsy, join us and collect digital artifacts to transform into a reflection of your experience. The 2+ mile walk will include a park, library, sculptures and more. Upon returning, support will be given to create a digital story. This tour will be meeting at the Big Blue Bear outside the front entrance of the Colorado Convention Center.

Purpose & objective

Participants will engage in a 2+ mile walk that takes them through various points of interest, including a park, library, sculptures, and more, to collect digital artifacts that will serve as inspiration for creating a compelling digital story, integrating art, technology, and personal reflections. The overall objective is to empower participants to fuse their creativity with technological tools and storytelling techniques to craft a reflective digital narrative based on their experiences during the walk, and ultimately consider how they can use the same tools and strategies to capture their entire ISTE Live experience.

Participant Outcomes:
*Deeper learning about Denver culture, history, and art
*Making connections between the city and learning at the conference
*Explore how art, technology, and whimsy intersect and influence each other in the creative process

Utilizing Digital Tools for Storytelling:
Participants will be introduced to various digital tools and techniques to aid in the creation of their digital stories, enhancing their digital storytelling skills. But honoring voice and choice, they will use whichever tools and strategies they are comfortable with. We’ll serve as guides and support as they utilize the storytelling tools.

The instructional strategies we plan to employ are place-based learning and digital storytelling. Using a pre-planned route, participants will walk in a group and capture their digital artifacts (photos, videos, audio clips) from designated points of interest. The facilitators will provide some networking prompts and supplemental materials to help the learning continue while walking. After the walk, participants will engage in workshop time where they will employ digital storytelling techniques to craft their story. They will receive guidance on selecting and organizing their digital artifacts and will be introduced to digital tools to enhance their storytelling. Participants will document their observations and reflections regarding the interplay of art, technology, and whimsy both of the Denver and ISTE experience.

Electronic Resources/Tools Used:
*Smartphones/Tablets for Digital Artifact Collection
*Digital Storytelling Software: Various digital storytelling software applications will be provided to participants for creating their digital narratives. These tools will assist in editing, arranging, and enhancing multimedia components to tell a cohesive and compelling story.

Evidence of Success:
*Participant engagement and active participation during the walk and story creation and sharing.
*Quality and creativity of the digital stories created, reflecting a thoughtful integration of art, technology, and whimsy around Denver.
*Participant feedback regarding the knowledge and skills gained during the professional development session.
*Potential for participants to apply the concepts and skills learned in their own artistic and professional endeavors, showcasing the transfer of learning from the session.

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Starting at an iconic statue at the Convention Center, “I See What You Mean” (aka the Big Blue Bear), we will set off on a walk around several of Denver’s main attractions like the State Capitol Building, the Central branch of the Denver Public Library, and many art and historic markers. This up-to 2 mile walk will take about 75 minutes, in which participants will take photos, recordings, and capture their thoughts at interest points, as well as network and learn from each other on the go. Some strategies to employ during this walk will be QR codes, pre-recorded content to listen to (when safe to do so!), and other digital content connections such as sample Reels, Infographics, and short videos.

When we return to the convention center, the facilitators will guide participants through the digital storytelling process. With up to 45 minutes to create their final product, we will ask volunteers to share their stories on a public site, like Padlet, for others to see. The final 5 minutes we’ll ask participants to provide feedback and reflect on how they will take this strategy forward in developing their next digital storytelling project.

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Session specifications

Technology coordinators/facilitators, Library media specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices required
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Attendees may use the device, curation tool and photography apps they prefer. We will come prepared to advise on iOS, Android & windows devices, as well as digital storytelling apps that include Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, iMovie, Clips, Adobe, Canva, Wakelet and integrated phone/tablet apps. We recommend that attendees come with some knowledge of basic phone/tablet photography and digital storytelling, but we are happy to help facilitate how to turn those photos into a story.
Subject area:
Performing/visual arts, STEM/STEAM