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From Classroom to AI Lab: Free Tools & Curriculum for K-12

Colorado Convention Center, Innovation Arcade: AI Exploration Lab A, Table 1

Innovation arcade: Exploration lab
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Supervisor of Educational Technology
Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12
ISTE Certified Educator
Nicole is the Supervisor of Educational Technology at Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12 in PA and former middle school ELA teacher. With an expertise in educational tech frameworks, STEM, and CS, Nicole is also an ISTE Certified Educator and Trainer who is passionate about the use of technology to connect students to others in an effort grow empathy and empower learning. Nicole is the Secretary of the Susquehanna Valley CSTA. She's been in education 18 years, has a BSED from West Chester University, MLA from McDaniel College, and ITS & Admin Cert from York College.
Educational Technology Staff Developer
Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12
ISTE Certified Educator
Abbey is a member of the Educational Technology Services team at Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12. Abbey works as a staff developer providing professional development and support in educational technology, STEM, and Computer Science to educators in South Central Pennsylvania. A former social studies teacher, Abbey approaches all subjects with a global and humanitarian mindset. Abbey's passions include cross-curricular integration of STEM, project based learning, and promoting authentic and relevant learning opportunities to students

Session description

How can we support our learners in preparing for a world driven by AI? Empower students to explore AI concepts and applications, setting them on a path towards a future-ready skillset while we dive into free curricular resources from various providers including MIT, AI4ALL, ISTE, AIedu, and others.

Purpose & objective

Purpose: Over the last year and a half, many have focused on making certain educators understand how AI works, the ramifications of its use in the classroom, and how to leverage it for themselves as they navigate how to use certain tools (such as ChatGPT, Bard, DallE, and others) with students. What remains is that students do not necessarily know how AI works when leveraging these tools in their day-to-day lives which can impact their safety and privacy, but also has ramifications in the future - if we forget the HUMAN element in the use of the AI. The intention of this presentation to provide an overview of a collection of free instructional resources (lessons, activities, etc.) to support student understanding of AI. These resources will include supports and content for all grade levels and content areas - including lessons and resources from: MIT (Day of AI), AI4All, AIedu, and ISTE (as well as others we pick up along the way).

- Learners will be able to identify why it is not only important but imperative that our students understand not only how AI works, but the ethical ramifications of its use - AI Literacy
- Learners will be able to identify at least on resource, tool, or activity which they can utilize to help support learning and understanding of AI in their classroom.

Note - The goal of this presentation is NOT to highlight the next 'cool tool' for teachers or students to try, but it is to highlight resources to help support student understanding and learning around AI - from how it works, to navigating bias, to the computer science connections and how it can be programmed. The goal is to focus on curricular supports - not AI tools, themselves.

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- AI edu Snapshot - Activity from one of the resources we're highlighting (3-5 minutes) - Peer-to-Peer & Device-Based
- Importance of Student Understanding of AI and the Human Element - AI Literacy (10 minutes)
- Tools & Resources:
--AIedu: AI Toolkit, AI Snapshots, etc. (10 minutes) - Device-Based
--AI4All: Bytes & How it Works (15 minutes) - Device Based
--MIT: Day of AI Curriculum & Middle School Curriculum (15 minutes) - Device Based
-- ISTE Exploration for Educators Guides (10 Minutes) - Device Based
- Closing (5 Minutes) - Will include a reflection/share out

**Note - for each of the resources, we intend to both overview the location and materials and what it contains AND do a hands-on device-based activities from that curriculum when appropriate.

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Supporting research (Recommendation #1 - Emphasize Humans in the Loop)

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Session specifications

Artificial Intelligence
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Library media specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices required
Attendee device specification:
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Have an Account with an AI Chatbot of your choice
Subject area:
Computer science, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Coaches:
Change Agent
  • Connect leaders, educators, instructional support, technical support, domain experts and solution providers to maximize the potential of technology for learning.
For Educators:
  • Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency.
For Students:
Digital Citizen
  • Students manage their personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of data-collection technology used to track their navigation online.