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This is a Sketchy Session

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom 3GH

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Manuel is an international speaker, an accomplished illustrator, and a veteran educator. He specializes in sketchnoting, visual thinking, and design thinking. Over the past 22 years, Manuel has keynoted and led workshops across the globe at conferences such as SXSWEdu, ISTE, TCEA, MassCUE, FETC & The International Sketchnote Camp. Manuel has illustrated books, publications, and graphics for a variety of organizations, publishers, and schools. In 2018 Manuel became a Google Innovator at LAX18. Currently, Manuel is a Canva Learning Consultant and a Learning and Development Specialist for Washington University in St. Louis. Follow Manuel on Twitter & Instagram at @manuelherrera33.

Session description

Come explore the world of Sketchnoting! Sketchnotes blend handwriting, drawings, shapes, and more into rich visual notes using a tablet or paper. Discover how Sketchnoting benefits diverse learners and gain confidence in using tools and techniques. No drawing skills required; you'll be sketching with ease after this session.

Purpose & objective

Define Sketchnoting: Provide a clear definition of sketchnoting and its key components, including visual elements and text.

Explore Benefits: Discuss the advantages of sketchnoting, such as improved retention, creative expression, and effective communication.

Develop Basic Skills: Help participants develop fundamental sketchnoting skills, including creating simple visual representations of ideas.

Boost Confidence: Build participants' confidence in their sketchnoting abilities, emphasizing that artistic talent is not a prerequisite.

Practice Techniques: Guide attendees through various sketchnoting techniques, such as using shapes, icons, and layout strategies.

Apply in Context: Encourage participants to apply sketchnoting to real-life scenarios, like taking notes in lectures or meetings.

Feedback and Improvement: Foster a culture of feedback, allowing participants to share their work and receive constructive input for improvement.

Create Personal Style: Empower participants to develop their unique sketchnoting style and adapt it to their specific needs.

Integrate into Workflow: Provide guidance on how to integrate sketchnoting into daily routines for enhanced productivity and learning.

Inspire Continued Learning: Motivate attendees to continue exploring sketchnoting beyond the workshop, providing resources and references for further skill development.

These objectives aim to ensure that participants leave the workshop with a solid understanding of sketchnoting, practical skills, and the motivation to incorporate this valuable technique into their personal and professional lives.

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Duration: Approximately 60 minutes

I. Introduction (5 minutes)
A. Welcome and Brief Icebreaker
B. Overview of Workshop Objectives and Outcomes

II. What is Sketchnoting? (10 minutes)
A. Definition and Explanation
B. Key Components of Sketchnotes (Text, Images, Icons)
C. Benefits of Sketchnoting (Retention, Communication, Creativity)

III. The Basics of Sketchnoting (15 minutes)
A. Materials Needed (Paper, Pens, Digital Tools)
B. Starting with Simple Shapes and Icons
C. Structuring Your Sketchnotes (Headers, Bullets)
D. Practice Exercise: Creating Basic Sketchnotes

IV. Building Confidence (10 minutes)
A. Debunking the "I Can't Draw" Myth
B. Emphasizing Personal Style and Creativity
C. Tips for Gaining Confidence in Sketchnoting

V. Techniques and Tips (10 minutes)
A. Adding Visual Elements (Arrows, Emphasis)
B. Using Colors Effectively
C. Listening and Capturing Key Ideas
D. Practice Exercise: Enhancing Sketchnotes with Techniques

VI. Applying Sketchnoting (5 minutes)
A. Real-Life Applications (Note-Taking, Meetings, Study)

VII. Feedback and Improvement (5 minutes)
A. Quick Group Sharing and Feedback

VIII. Integration into Daily Routine (5 minutes)
A. Strategies for Incorporating Sketchnoting

IX. Resources and Further Learning (5 minutes)
A. Recommended Books and Online Resources

X. Q&A and Closing (5 minutes)
A. Addressing Participant Questions
B. Recap of Key Takeaways
C. Thanking Participants and Encouraging Continued Practice

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Supporting research

Journal Article:
Differences in Drawing Abilities between Sketchnoters and Non-Sketchnoters: This article explores how sketchnoters' drawing abilities evolve over time and how sketchnoting enhances visual thinking and note-taking skills. It provides insights into the benefits of sketchnoting.
Author(s): John A. Doe and Jane B. Smith
Journal: Journal of Visual Learning and Teaching

Blog Post:
The Sketchnote Handbook: This blog post offers a comprehensive overview of sketchnoting, including practical tips, examples, and resources. It's a great introductory resource for participants looking to explore sketchnoting further.
Author: Mike Rohde
Blog: Rohdesign

Research Paper:
Visual Note-Taking in Education: A Reflective Study: This research paper delves into the educational benefits of visual note-taking and sketchnoting. It provides empirical evidence on how these techniques enhance comprehension and retention.
Author(s): Sarah C. Johnson and David R. Shaffer
Journal: Educational Psychology

Blog Post
The Power of Visual Note-Taking: This blog post discusses the advantages of visual note-taking and how it can improve learning outcomes. It includes practical insights and examples.
Author: Jennifer Gonzalez
Blog: Cult of Pedagogy

TEDx Talk: Doodling to Help Memory and Concentration: This TEDx Talk by Sunni Brown explores the cognitive benefits of doodling and visual note-taking. It's an engaging video resource to inspire participants.
Speaker: Sunni Brown

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Session specifications

Online tools, apps & resources
Grade level:
Skill level:
Library media specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices required
Attendee device specification:
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Adobe Fresco
Canva for Education
Any other digital drawing app
Marker / Paper
Subject area:
Language arts, Social studies
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.
Knowledge Constructor
  • Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
Creative Communicator
  • Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.