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News Literacy in the Age of AI

Colorado Convention Center, 607

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Library Media Specialist
Sharon Public Schools
ISTE Certified Educator
Dr. Cathy Collins has served as a Library, Media and Technology Specialist for 23 years. She served on the MassCUE Board as PD Chair from 2015-2019, and has published her writing in journals including “EdWeek,” “Library Media Connection,” and “NEA Today." She served on the ISTE STEM PLN Leadership Team and MSLA Board. She is currently serving on the ISTE/ASCD Board of Directors, and is also a national News Literacy Project Ambassador. She has received numerous honors and awards for her work, and is passionate about STEM/STEAM, News/Media Literacy and Global Education.
Nathanael Greene Middle School
Darshell Silva has been a Teacher Librarian for 18 years and also teaches Computer Science and MakerEd. She is currently the Librarian at Nathanael Greene Middle School in Providence, RI. Darshell is a TeachersFirst Content Contributor, former Highlander Institute FUSE Fellow, a National Geographic Certified Educator, and a Certified BrainPOP Educator. In addition, she was the secretary/ a board member of the RI Society of Technology Educators (RISTE - an ISTE affiliate) and continues to assist with professional development. Her interests include books, technology integration, maker education, and community informatics. Maker Education Libguide located at .
Jeff Young is an editor and reporter at EdSurge, where he also serves as Editorial Director and hosts the weekly EdSurge Podcast. Previously he was an editor and writer for The Chronicle of Higher Education. He holds a master’s degree in Communication, Culture, and Technology from Georgetown University and was a 2014 Nieman Fellow at Harvard University.
Speech Language Pathologist
Norton Public Schools
Kim Zajac, is a certified SLP and Audiologist in Norton, MA. She is an Educator Mentor for the Vital Prize Challenge and an Adobe Creative Educator Leader. She is an affiliated virtual practicum instructor at Speech@Emerson Graduate Program. Kim is a former MassCUE board member, Conference Committee Lead & Co-Leader of Inclusive Learning SIG. Kim is a Co-Founder of @EdCampSoutheasternMA. She has presented at SXSWEDU, ISTE, MassCUE, DL Boston, & NYC Schools Tech Summit. Kim specializes in creating programs and sharing learning strategies to support students with diverse learning needs. She is passionate about establishing equitable access and inclusion for ALL students.

Session description

News Literacy in the Age of AI',description = 'Join ISTE/ASCD Board Member and Library Media Specialist Dr. Cathy Collins as she and fellow panelists share practical applications for news literacy integration in the age of AI. This panel discussion will feature tips, strategies and resources for embedding news literacy skills, concepts, and teaching ideas in engaging ways.

Purpose & objective

Participants will learn what students need to know about news literacy in the age of AI.
Participants will learn tips, tricks, strategies and resources for news literacy integration across the curriculum.
Participants will discover concrete ways for students to build news literacy skills.
Participants will leave with a News Literacy Action Plan for immediate implementation in the classroom.

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*News literacy defined and the state of news literacy in the age of AI
*Panel discussion about news literacy education through a DEI/social justice lens
*Interactive, hands on exploration of news literacy strategies and resources
*Creation of individual News Literacy Action Plans followed by a share out
*Final reflection and wrap up

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Supporting research

Chang, Y. K., Literat, I., Price, C., Eisman, J. I., Chapman, A., Gardner, J., & Truss, A. (2020). News literacy education in a polarized political climate: How games can teach youth to spot misinformation. Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review.

Framework for Teaching News Literacy

Research on News Literacy

The Impact of Greater News Literacy

Swart, J. (2023). Tactics of news literacy: How young people access, evaluate, and engage with news on social media. New Media & Society, 25(3), 505–521.

Craft, S., Ashley, S., & Maksl, A. (2016). Elements of News Literacy: A Focus Group Study of How Teenagers Define News and Why They Consume It. Electronic News, 10(3), 143–160.

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Session specifications

Artificial Intelligence
Grade level:
Skill level:
Library media specialists, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Subject area:
Language arts, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Knowledge Constructor
  • Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
  • Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media, data or other resources.
  • Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.