News Literacy in the Age of AI
Colorado Convention Center, 607

Session description
Purpose & objective
Participants will learn what students need to know about news literacy in the age of AI.
Participants will learn tips, tricks, strategies and resources for news literacy integration across the curriculum.
Participants will discover concrete ways for students to build news literacy skills.
Participants will leave with a News Literacy Action Plan for immediate implementation in the classroom.
*News literacy defined and the state of news literacy in the age of AI
*Panel discussion about news literacy education through a DEI/social justice lens
*Interactive, hands on exploration of news literacy strategies and resources
*Creation of individual News Literacy Action Plans followed by a share out
*Final reflection and wrap up
Supporting research
Chang, Y. K., Literat, I., Price, C., Eisman, J. I., Chapman, A., Gardner, J., & Truss, A. (2020). News literacy education in a polarized political climate: How games can teach youth to spot misinformation. Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review.
Framework for Teaching News Literacy
Research on News Literacy
The Impact of Greater News Literacy
Swart, J. (2023). Tactics of news literacy: How young people access, evaluate, and engage with news on social media. New Media & Society, 25(3), 505–521.
Craft, S., Ashley, S., & Maksl, A. (2016). Elements of News Literacy: A Focus Group Study of How Teenagers Define News and Why They Consume It. Electronic News, 10(3), 143–160.
Session specifications
Knowledge Constructor
- Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
- Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media, data or other resources.
- Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.