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Build a Computer Science Curriculum Using Backwards Planning in 2 Weeks!

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 40

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Technology Trainer
Creighton School District
I'm Robyn Griffith, and I have worked for the same school district since 1991. I also attended there as a child, so I love my district! I've been involved with instructional technology as a trainer and coach since the mid-1990's, and also am a network admin and technology resource manager. I love supporting teachers and students as they use technology to enrich teaching and learning!

Session description

Learn the process of designing a K-8 computer science curriculum that combines state computer science standards and the ISTE standards using the 'Understanding by Design' framework. A team of eight teachers worked together over nine days to define learning objectives, success benchmarks, formative and summative assessments, and lesson ideas.

Purpose & objective

Educational or infrastructure challenge/situation.
There was a need to create a shared curriculum amongst all technology teachers in the Creighton School District there is a high amount of student mobility between schools. A need for a guaranteed and viable curriculum was to be created that included both computer science standards and ISTE student standards.

Technology intervention (include specific names/titles and descriptions if tools are not widely known and available).
Shared curriculum created in Google Docs.

Models employed (include a brief description).
Teachers engaged in the Understand by Design framework to develop a curriculum that encompasses the intended learning of the unit, assessment, and the schedule of lesson delivery.

Lesson plans or instructional activities/strategies employed (include a brief description of your instructional electronic resources or tools used).
Curriculum planning was completed in shared spaces using in-person work, and continuous feedback using both sticky notes or comments in a Google Doc. The curriculum was drafted and saved in a Google Doc that is accessible via the Curriculum Dashboard.

Evidence of success.
The unit creation and the use of the curriculum across the district that is on pace with one another.

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Content and activities: What content will be presented and/or in what activities will the audience participate?
Participants will explore the Understand by Design framework that was used, view the pacing for the 9 days, view the shared document and resources, and learn how this process was completed.

Time: How much time will be spent on each content component?
Overview/background- 5 mins
Understand by Design Overview - 10 min
Walking through teacher flow of creation - 20 min
Resource share out - 10 mins
Questions - remaining time

Process: Include specifics on the frequency and tactics you plan to use to engage the audience (e.g., peer-to-peer interaction, device-based activities, games or contests, etc.).
Turn and talks
Device-based learning to engage with the resources.

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Supporting research

Understand by Design Framework:

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Session specifications

Curriculum planning & evaluation
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Curriculum/district specialists, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Technology to access a with resources for them to view and save (google doc, websites, etc.)
Subject area:
Computer science
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Visionary Planner
  • Share lessons learned, best practices, challenges and the impact of learning with technology with other education leaders who want to learn from this work.
Empowering Leader
  • Build the confidence and competency of educators to put the ISTE Standards for Students and Educators into practice.