Introduction: Our poster aims to showcase our collaborative approach in addressing two crucial needs within our district. The first need centers on enhancing the integration of high-quality Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) into our curriculum, while the second revolves around ensuring equitable access to DLCS experiences district-wide. A distinctive aspect of our initiative is our commitment to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and accessibility, driven by the unique needs of our growing special education population.
Innovative Solutions: Each Digital Equity team had access to grant-funded STEAM carts. Each cart is equipped with a diverse high- and low-tech tools, from Play-Doh and copper tape to advanced computer kits such as MakeyMakeys, Hummingbird kits, micro:bits, and KIBO robots.
Professional Development Cohorts: As part of our initiative, we organized a professional learning program that spanned five months. We adopted a collaborative approach, forming building-based Digital Equity teams comprising both content area teachers and learning specialists. This collaborative model promoted the sharing of expertise and ensured that DLCS education was seamlessly integrated into various subject areas.
The poster will display images and information related to professional learning opportunities and student products. Our session will also provide digital resources via QR codes and interactive displays to showcase some of the Digital Equity projects.