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LifeFinders: How a Drone Swarm Can Save Lives in Earthquake Disasters

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 23

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Highlands International School
Highlands International School
Highlands International School
Highlands International School
Highlands International School
Highlands International School
Douglas Vega is a technology professor who teaches digital skills and creativity to students. He has many Microsoft certifications and recognitions, such as Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator, Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert 2022-2023, Minecraft Ambassador, Minecraft Education Teacher, and Microsoft esports Teacher (META). He uses Minecraft Education Edition and other Microsoft tools to teach coding, math, science, and more. He also leads workshops and webinars for other educators. Douglas is a maker and a design thinking facilitator who works in the makerspace and creates innovative solutions for real-world problems. He thinks that technology can transform education and inspire lifelong learning.

Session description

The application of Design Thinking empowered students in El Salvador to create a swarm of recycled drones for post-earthquake search and rescue missions. This educational approach engaged them in all project phases, fostering practical problem-solving and technological innovation.

Purpose & objective

Educational or infrastructure challenge/situation.
The educational challenge to be addressed is to foster a culture of solidarity and empathy among students that encourages helping others. For this purpose, students will learn about the realities of people who face poverty, violence, discrimination, or other forms of suffering, and will be able to actively participate in social service actions that address these issues. In this way, we aim to provide an education that seeks not only memorization, but also comprehensive human development and social transformation.

Technology intervention.
This project showcases the use of various technological tools to create innovative solutions for search and rescue missions. The students used the following tools:

· 3D builder: This is a Windows application that allows users to create and edit 3D models of objects. The students used this tool to design and print prototypes of two types of drones: a terrestrial drone and an aerial drone.
· VS Code: This is a code editor that supports multiple programming languages and extensions. The students wrote a pseudo code for the automation of the drones, which included a human detection system. However, this code was only for illustration purposes, and not meant to be executed.
· Scratch: This is an educational platform that helps users develop computational thinking skills. The students used this tool to program the basic functions of a drone, such as movement, rotation, and sensing.

· Omni 3D Printer A8 This is where the previously created 3D designs were printed in plastic filament. Also created a prototype of a plastic bottle recycler, which would be used to produce filament for the 3D printer.
· LEGO EV3: A robot to simulate the drone’s behavior in real life. It works via Bluetooth and with the configuration done through Scratch.

The project demonstrates the creativity and problem-solving abilities of the students, as well as their proficiency in using different technological tools.

Models employed
The project presented consists of the application of Design Thinking as a pedagogical model to promote technological innovation and the resolution of practical problems in high school students in El Salvador. The goal of the project was to create a swarm of recycled drones for earthquake search and rescue missions. To achieve this, students will participate in all phases of the project, from problem identification to solution evaluation. Design Thinking allowed them to generate innovative solutions focused on helping complex problems, using recycled materials and technological tools. The project was an enriching and motivating educational experience for the students, who developed transversal skills such as teamwork, critical thinking and creativity.

Lesson plans or instructional activities/strategies employed.
·Identified the problem: The students researched the impact of earthquakes in El Salvador and the challenges of search and rescue missions. They defined the main problem they wanted to solve and the criteria for a successful solution.
·Ideated possible solutions: The students engaged in brainstorming, a process of generating and evaluating ideas to find the best solution for a problem. They chose a solution that involved recycling and creating a project to help both the planet and the people.
·Prototyped the chosen solution: The students selected the most promising idea and built a prototype of their swarm of recycled drones. They used recycled materials such as plastic bottles, cardboard, wires, motors, etc. To print the prototype. They also selected technological tools such as scratch, JAVA, etc. to program their drones.
·Tested and evaluated the solution: The students tested their prototype of LEGO EV3 in a simulated environment. They evaluated their solution based on the criteria they defined in the first step and identified the strengths and weaknesses of their prototype.
·Iterated and improved the solution: The students used the feedback and evaluation results to improve their prototype. They repeated the testing and evaluation process until they were satisfied with their final product.

Evidence of success.
As a showcase of technological innovation, this project will be shared with the educational community at the Pedagogical University of El Salvador in October. The project has also enriched the students’ academic and personal growth.

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Content and activities:
1 minute: Presentation of the problem
1 minute: Presentation of the solution (Project)
1 minute: Presentation of the ground and air prototypes
1 minutes: Presentation of JAVA code and 3D Model
2 minutes: Sample robot operation
1 minute: Aerial drone propeller test
2 minute: Vital signs check by the prototype
1 minute: Questions and answers

Time: How much time will be spent on each content component?
10 minutes

To attract the public's attention, a sample drone will be flown from time to time. In addition, with the use of gamification, the public will be able to play a game where they select a map of El Salvador, simulating that there is an earthquake in that area and the drone will go. to the rescue.

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Supporting research

Design thinking in education HGSE Teaching and Learning Lab. Available at:

Enterprise, D. Using a search and Rescue Drone, Insights Home. Available at: (Accessed: 29 September 2023).

Post, G. (2023) The Future of Education: How Drones Are Transforming Teaching and learning, The Drone Girl. Available at:

Por Louisa Rosenheck (2022) Espacios Maker Para Hacer visible el aprendizaje de los alumnos, Observatorio / Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación. Available at: (Accessed: 29 September 2023).

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Session specifications

Project-, problem- & challenge-based learning
Grade level:
Skill level:
Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
Subject area:
Computer science, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Knowledge Constructor
  • Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
Innovative Designer
  • Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.