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Centering Ethics & Equity in the AI Age


Listen and learn: Snapshot
Recorded Session
Virtual Session
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Snapshots are a pairing of two 20 minute presentations followed by a 5 minute Q & A.
This is presentation 1 of 2, scroll down to see more details.

Other presentations in this group:


Academic Technology Coodinator
Sidwell Friends School
Nate serves as the Academic Technology Coordinator at Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C. He speaks at schools and conferences to promote passion-based learning on social media, understanding that digital media provides the greatest opportunity to develop curious and insightful lifelong learners. Nate bridges the gap between classroom teaching and digital learning in an effort to grow literate and responsive digital citizens.

Session description

From bias & bigotry to copyright & consent, educators must consider the ethical and equity impacts of AI as we introduce this new technology. This session equips educators with the knowledge and resources to educate responsive citizens in an age where AI is increasing misinformation, inequality, and surveillance.

Purpose & objective

Participants will leave more knowledgeable about the perils and pitfalls of AI. Participants will leave with resources to share with others. Participants will leave with discussion questions to bring to meetings. Participants will learn to host critical conversations about AIs shortcomings
Our collective objective is to make sure we, as digital citizens, can identify and mitigate problems presented by this new technology rather than blindly adopting it because it can help us with our “work.”

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5 minutes (Activity) Show bias in AI models with Stable Diffusion Bias generator

15 minutes (Lesson) We will discuss some of the major problems with AI models (copyright & consent, bias & bigotry, misinformation & disinformation, surveillance & privacy, the environment, and the future of work)

15 minutes (Activity) Participants will explore one of our modules for critical conversations about AI (including resources and discussion questions)

5 minutes (Share out)

10 minutes (Apply) Case study on how we added this to our schools. Explanation of ways to apply this to other school structures. We will have suggestions in the form of a handout.

10 minutes (Activity and Q&A) Think-Pair-Share and Q&A

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Supporting research

Meredith Broussard - More than a Glitch
Timnit Gebru & Emily Bender - On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots
Ruha Benjamin - The New Jim Code
Katie Crawford - ATLAS of AI
Brian Christensen - The Alignment Problem
Markup - The Secret Water Footprint of AI Technology
New York Times - Disinformation Researchers Raise Alarms About A.I. Chatbots
New York Times - OpenAI Worries About What Its Chatbot Will Say About People’s Faces
The Atlantic - “Revealed: The Authors Whose Pirated Books Are Powering Generative AI
Stanford - Rooting Out Anti-Muslim Bias in Popular Language Model GPT-3

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Session specifications

Equity and inclusion
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Subject area:
ISTE Standards:
For Coaches:
Digital Citizen Advocate
  • Support educators and students to critically examine the sources of online media and identify underlying assumptions.
For Education Leaders:
Equity and Citizenship Advocate
  • Model digital citizenship by critically evaluating online resources, engaging in civil discourse online and using digital tools to contribute to positive social change.
For Students:
Digital Citizen
  • Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.