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Empowering Scientific Minds: The Vital Role of CERs in Fostering Scientific Reasoning

Colorado Convention Center, 108/10/12

Roundtable presentation
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Presentations with similar research topics are each assigned to round tables where hour-long discussions take place. Roundtables are intended to be more collaborative discussions about research.
This is presentation 2 of 4, scroll down to see more details.

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Senior Director of Efficacy Research
Melissa Hogan, Ph.D.,Is the Director of Efficacy Research at BrainPOP, where she leads efficacy research across all BrainPOP products. Dr. Hogan has over 16 years of experience as an educational leader. Prior to joining BrainPOP, Dr. Hogan led the Learning and Development team and served as the Interim Executive Director of Professional Learning for 8 years. Dr. Hogan also served as the Educational Data Coach for the State of Delaware Department of Education. In addition to these roles, Dr. Hogan worked as an elementary teacher and Dean of Curriculum and Instruction for 6 years.
Sr. Director of Learning Design
Dr. Michelle Newstadt is a science educator with over a decade of experience in edtech and science education. She is currently the Director of Learning Design, STEM, at BrainPOP. She leads the development of the learning experience and implementation strategy for BrainPOP Science, a new product launched in 2021. Previously, she led research, innovation, and education efforts at organizations such as Gooru and Expii, working to support all learners to develop complex STEM knowledge. Additionally, Dr. Newstadt worked as an adjunct science professor at the University of Pittsburgh, where she taught pre-service secondary science teachers.
Co-author: Dr. Yigal Rosen

Session description

Scientific reasoning is a high cognitive demand task for learners. To excel, they need to construct arguments by applying scientific principles and theories to connect claims and evidence. Learners need consistent practice in a scaffolded setting with the Claim-Evidence-Reasoning framework to be ready for science assessments and beyond.


The world is rapidly transforming, and with it, the need for scientific literacy and critical engagement with complex scientific concepts is more crucial now than ever before. The new science frameworks are also changing with the new high level expectations of our learners. The ability to carefully analyze information and draw grounded conclusions is a critical life skill to be ready for life as well as to succeed on large-scale, multidimensional assessments. . How we teach and learn science to equip learners and teachers with the skills to engage and succeed with these new expectations requires that curriculum and resources align to the new frameworks and expectations.
Purposeful interaction with high cognitive demand tasks, like the Claim-Evidence-Reasoning framework can cultivate these skills by testing ideas and theories against real-world evidence. In addition, 2019 data shows that the percent of students below proficiency on 8th grade science assessments such as the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) was 33% (National Center for Education Statistics, 2022). Developing critical thinking skills through multidimensional science learning in middle school can increase academic self-efficacy and achievement, preparing students for one of the most challenging experiences in secondary education: the transition from middle school to high school (Evans et al., 2018).
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) recognize the importance of multidimensional science learning to foster critical thinking skills among students (National Research Council, 2013). NGSS emphasizes the development of students' abilities to analyze and interpret scientific information, construct evidence-based explanations and arguments, and communicate scientific ideas effectively. This approach recognizes that scientific knowledge is not limited to isolated facts; instead, it encompasses the integration of disciplinary core ideas (DCIs), science and engineering practices (SEPs), and crosscutting concepts (CCCs). “Although scientific argumentation is considered one of the critical competencies in the U.S. Next Generation Science Standards and internationally there is lack of effective and scalable adaptive online learning systems for students to practice the competencies, including mechanistic reasoning, across domains of scientific knowledge and contexts” (Rosen et al., 2020, p. 1665)

Scientific Literacy and the Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) Framework
An important competency within science literacy is generating a scientific argument ( One instructional framework that aligns with some components of scientific literacy and promotes multidimensional scientific knowledge development is the Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) framework (McNeill & Krajcik, 2011). The framework finds that a student’s explanation can be deconstructed into a claim that answers the proposed question, evidence based on relevant observations to support the claim, and reasoning that uses logic to link the cited evidence to the claim (Hardcastle et al., 2021). The CER employs this deconstruction to provide a structured approach for argumentation and communicating explanations. The framework encourages students to make clear and concise claims that address specific scientific questions. It engages them in scientific inquiry and helps students investigate questions through observations and gather relevant data to utilize as evidence. Constructing explanations and arguments is a higher-order thinking task that incorporates many science practices and skills.
While the CER framework embodies some aspects of scientific literacy, it is important to note that scientific literacy extends beyond this framework alone. Scientific literacy encompasses a broader range of skills, such as understanding the nature of science, critically evaluating scientific information, and recognizing the social and ethical implications of scientific discovery (Eisenhart et al., 1996). Still, the CER framework acts as a valuable tool for developing key elements of scientific literacy, including critical thinking, evidence-based reasoning and writing, and effective communication.
Exemplars of CER Embedded Instruction
The CER framework has proven to be an effective approach to assessing students’ multidimensional science knowledge (Hardcastle et al., 2021; Gotwals & Songer, 2013). A study conducted in eight middle school classrooms found that only 18.1% (N=72) of students were able to construct explanations encompassing all three components of claim, evidence, and reasoning. Surprisingly, 40% of students made claims without providing any supporting evidence or reasoning. The study did reveal a positive correlation between students' production of high-quality explanations and their overall classroom performance, unrelated to argumentative writing skills (Ruiz-Primo, Li, Tsai, & Schneider, 2008). This suggests that exposing students to the process of developing explanations can lead to a deeper understanding of scientific concepts. Concurrently, the study emphasizes the limited opportunities available for students to engage in such explanatory practices and the importance of providing adequate guidance and support during the construction of CER explanations. They suggested that science notebooks provide context into students’ thinking and learning and can provide some evidence of teachers’ communications with students about their progress. In this study, teachers who implemented notebooks as scaffolds for organizing claims, evidence, and reasoning struck a balance between structure and independent thinking, leading to more effective outcomes. Notebooks with less guidance lacked focus, while those with excessive guidance resulted in information copying without much interpretation from students. The process of constructing CER explanations through structured writing helps students to organize their thoughts, think critically, and develop their scientific literacy.
Another study aimed to understand students' intermediary knowledge as they progressed toward a more sophisticated knowledge of ecology. The findings of this study indicated significant gains in student learning following a curricular intervention. However, despite overall improvements, some students continued to struggle with explaining the potential impacts of disturbances on ecosystems (Gotwals & Songer, 2010). This research emphasizes the importance of having a learning progression framework to guide the design of assessment tasks and the interpretation of evidence. The assessment system employed in the study identified multiple types of middle knowledge that students may possess, highlighting the existence of "messy middles" as students navigate their development of reasoning abilities in complex scientific situations.
These studies highlight the necessity of high-quality educational resources and instruction for students to develop Claim-Evidence-Reasoning skills. While this research has demonstrated the positive impact of CER instruction, certain challenges and limitations remain. Implementing CER effectively requires teacher support, training, and scaffolding to ensure students grasp the underlying scientific concepts and reasoning processes (McNeill et al., 2006; Yao et al., 2016). Prior research has primarily focused on students' overall science performance, rather than the specific development of Claim-Evidence-Reasoning skills (Masters, 2020; Yao et al., 2016; McNeill & Krajcik, 2011). Previous research has also provided limited insight into student learning gains within the specific subcategories of CER, such as constructing claims, providing evidence, and developing reasoning skills.
Prior research on CER assessment has found that students distribute themselves along a hierarchy of difficulty for each of the CER components, with writing a claim being the least difficult and providing reasoning being the most difficult for students to include in their writing (Gotwals & Songer, 2013). Understanding how students progress in each sub-category provides critical insight into changes in their ability to formulate and choose evidence and construct sound scientific reasoning. This is crucial for targeted instructional support.
In the Holistic Educational Resources and Assessment system (HERA) project Evidence Centered Design and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) were used to build an adaptive learning experience to develop and test middle school learner’s scientific argumentation and modeling practices (Rosen et al., 2020). The performance tasks were designed with game-like features and optional scaffolds for learners. They are bundled in lessons that give student agency as they make sense of phenomena and designs and extend their understanding of the natural and designed world to construct multidimensional knowledge. The pilot study data is encouraging to have repeated exposures with scaffolds in a digital environment to support the development of mechanistic reasoning and science argumentation.
To extend the work of previous researchers, we developed a research approach using BrainPOP Science Investigations to study the development of scientific reasoning and evidence based writing skills through repeated scaffolded exposures for middle school learners.
BrainPOP Science
Education technology has revolutionized the way students engage in multidimensional science by blending the disciplinary core ideas, scientific practices, and crosscutting concepts through the use of a Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) framework in the classroom (Rosen et al., 2021; Rosen, 2021). It builds on the previous research and begins to make the connection between the curricular resources and the multidimensional expectations of the new assessment frameworks. BrainPOP Science is a comprehensive, supplemental middle school science experience that embeds the CER process throughout the investigation (e.g., lesson) structure to support multidimensional learning.
BrainPOP Science Learning Experience
BrainPOP Science is designed around a learning progression approach in which students revisit concepts through multiple modalities and contexts. This allows students to build from concrete knowledge to more abstract and complex knowledge and practices. BrainPOP Science’s ready-to-use, standards-aligned investigations center around relatable Guiding Questions and real-world phenomena that spark middle school learners’ curiosity. Interactive resources—such as Data Manipulatives, simulations, and BrainPOP 3D Worlds™—and vocabulary-rich resources— like movies and Related Readings—encourage students to make observations, analyze real-world data sets, and model scientific concepts. Embedded formative assessments give students an opportunity to show what they know in a low-stakes environment. Additionally, multidimensional assessment items that mimic higher-stakes assessments can be assigned outside of the investigation structure.
The investigation structure embeds and scaffolds the CER process throughout the learning experience. Students are prompted and encouraged to make observations as they interact with resources, such as the 3D World, simulation, Data Manipulatives, Primary Sources, Movies, and Related Readings. At the end of each investigation, students synthesize the information presented in these resources by constructing an explanation or argument. Students review their observations and choose which observations become evidence to support their claim to the Guiding Question. In the reasoning section, they connect their claim and evidence using scientific principles and concepts. Each section (claim, evidence, and reasoning) includes scaffolds and examples that remind students how to make a concise claim, curate strong evidence, and construct reasoning with examples of each. Constructing a complete CER is a high cognitive demand task that encourages students to effectively communicate complex scientific concepts and practices.

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Given the aforementioned research, the present study aims to examine BrainPOP Science’s approach to CER skill development (Rosen et al., 2021; Rosen, 2021). Specifically, this study examines students' knowledge development through evidence-based writing. Students interact with four BrainPOP Science investigations within a six-month timeframe and construct CER explanations at the end of each investigation. The goal is to assess students’ progression in claim construction, evidence curation, and reasoning skills in a short period of time and after completing four CER submissions. As such, the present study asks two primary research questions:
What is the relationship between interactions with BrainPOP Science and skill progressions in developing multidimensional knowledge (e.g., CER construction)?
What is the relationship between consistent and sustained usage of BrainPOP Science on student learning gains in each CER subcategory (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning) between their first and fourth CER submissions?
Data Collection and Participants
We began by finding the top twelve CER topics assigned to middle school science students on BrainPOP Science. By focusing on these specific topics, we aimed to ensure that the collected data would be representative of diverse concepts covered in middle school science curricula. Subsequently, we identified schools with at least 50 students who completed at least four CER submissions, indicating significant engagement with the CER framework. This criterion allowed for the selection of schools that had incorporated CER assignments as a substantial part of their instruction.
Seven schools in four districts of the Southeastern United States met this criteria. By narrowing our study to these districts, we were able to explore the implementation and impact of the CER framework within a specific educational context, i.e., by examining the effectiveness and potential variations in CER implementation within a regional setting. Within these districts, each student’s first and fourth CER submissions (approximately six months apart) were examined by content experts to assess potential changes in students' growth in multidimensional science knowledge over time. This paired approach enabled comparisons of participants' own performance as well as evaluations of learning gains in CER scores between their first and fourth submissions.

Automated grading of open-ended CER responses

Teachers (and students) are provided with insights about “hard-to-measure” skills such as Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) in Science and Literacy/ELA argumentation with evidence in Essentials and strategies for improvement.
Grading open-ended responses is done by means of Large Language Models (LLMs). In the prompts that we provided to the model, the grading rules are equivalent to the scoring rubrics and request an outcome consisting of scores and score rationales. While using the foundational general-purpose LLMs is possible, we also deploy LLMs fine-tuned using a training set of CER responses hand-graded by content experts. Likewise, we have the option of including some of the hand-graded responses as primer examples in the LLM prompts.

Interrater Reliability

 Interrater Reliability is crucial for ensuring that data are consistent and accurate representations of the measured variables. The quadratic weighted kappa statistic was used to test interrater reliability as a measure to assess the level of agreement between hand-scored CERs and “Mantis,” BrainPOP’s automated scoring model (Nagaraj et al., 2018). The interrater reliability of hand-scored CERs against Mantis was 0.679, which is interpreted as a substantial agreement among scores (Landis & Koch, 1977). Overall, Mantis tended to give higher scores, acting as a more lenient scorer. This can be seen in Figure 5, where the curve goes less steeply than the x=y line in the region of lower scores, which means that Mantis assigns fewer of those.

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Overall, 548 student participants who met the study criteria were identified and used in the analyses. BrainPOP Science usage was examined as a covariate to explore the relationship between students’ performance and growth in CER scores. High usage corresponded to districts that completed at least 55% or more of assigned BrainPOP Science investigations. Moderate usage corresponded to districts that completed between 30-54% of assigned BrainPOP Science investigations, and low usage corresponded to districts that completed less than 30% of assigned BrainPOP Science investigations.
A multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was conducted to assess the joint significance of the difference between students’ first and fourth claim, evidence, reasoning and total CER scores. In addition to assessing the joint significance of subscores and total score, a multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was conducted to examine districts’ level of BrainPOP Science usage as a covariate. MANCOVA results found an overall joint significance of the average difference in scores between students’ fourth and first CER for the total score, as well as each claim, evidence, and reasoning subscore.
A significant multivariate effect of BrainPOP Science usage was observed on the joint CER scores (Wilks' λ = 0.811, F(12, 548) = 9.873, p < 0.001). Univariate analyses found a significant effect of BrainPOP usage, such that any usage (low, moderate, high) increased the total CER score, and evidence subscores. Additionally, moderate usage increased claim subscores, and moderate and high usage increased reasoning subscores.
Results indicated that any level of BrainPOP usage (low, moderate, high) showed improvement in the total CER score and evidence subscore, as evidenced by the steep positive learning curve. Additionally, moderate BrainPOP Science usage showed improvement in the claim subscore, and both moderate and high BrainPOP Science usage showed improvement in the reasoning subscore.
Engagement with BrainPOP Science Additional Resources
To contextualize and extend the findings from research questions one and two, as well as to provide further context of the use of BrainPOP Science on CER performance and growth, an additional exploratory research question was addressed.

Exploratory Research Question:

To what extent did the use of BrainPOP Science resources in addition to CERs correlate with learning gains?
This additional question was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the usage of the BrainPOP Science additional resources on students CER learning gains. Usage data was collected on the additional resources available to students on BrainPOP Science.
These results provide additional evidence that students who engage with BrainPOP Science more frequently and more in depth by utilizing multiple resources within the investigations see greater learning gains in the development of multidimensional knowledge and CERs on BrainPOP Science. As highlighted above, District B showed the greatest learning gains, had the highest usage, and utilized all other resources within the investigation at a high completion rate. District D, in the low usage group, showed minimal CER learning gains and did not show any usage of the additional resources. Both District A and District C, in the moderate usage group, demonstrated significant learning gains and both showed moderate usage for at least one additional resource. It is evident in the results that for the average student, general usage of BrainPOP Science Investigations and CERs are beneficial, but moderate to high usage of BrainPOP Science in addition to other supporting resources is all the more beneficial for students.

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The study's findings contribute to the existing body of research on the effectiveness of curricular resources in supporting students' development within the CER framework. The shifts observed in the total CER scores, as well as each claim, evidence and reasoning subscores suggest that students are actively engaging in the development of these challenging skills. It shows that they are capable of rapid skill development when provided with targeted instruction, scaffolding, and opportunities to practice constructing well-structured reasoning statements.
This substantial growth in students' evidence and reasoning skills highlights the potential of targeted instructional strategies, such as the CER framework employed in BrainPOP Science, to facilitate students' comprehension and application of scientific knowledge. By highlighting the positive outcomes associated with consistent engagement with BrainPOP Science, this study adds empirical evidence to the literature and reinforces the importance of incorporating CER instruction in middle school science education.
There are several limitations of this study that may be addressed in future research. First, this study only explored CER scores at two points in time. Future research can explore the longitudinal impacts of BrainPOP Science at additional time points to further explore the development of Claim-Evidence-Reasoning skills. Second, there is limited information regarding the context of the schools in the study that may have influenced the moderating role of school on the change in CER scores across the two time points. Future research can take a mixed-methods approach, connecting qualitative and observational data on the schools and classroom environments that may impact CER scores, in addition to quantitative data. Finally, this study explores change in CER scores using a within-subjects observational approach. Future research can expand on this work through a structured design in which students may be assigned CER instruction compared to a control group as well as using external measures such as Science state assessments.
The integration of research-based educational technology, exemplified by platforms like BrainPOP, has the potential to transform science education in middle schools, as demonstrated by previous studies (Rosen, 2009; Rosen at a., 2020). Research on CER has shown its effectiveness in promoting student learning outcomes and developing proficiency in scientific practices, such as argumentation. When combined with educational technology, such as the interactive features and engaging content, science instruction becomes more immersive, accessible, and conducive to critical thinking and scientific inquiry. As the field of educational technology continues to evolve, it is essential to explore new ways to leverage these tools to enhance science education and prepare students for the demands of a rapidly changing world and assessment environment.
Through repeated engagement with the CER framework, students develop their scientific literacy and claim-evidence-reasoning skills through the iterative process of collecting additional evidence, writing and revising CER submissions (Masters & Docktor, 2022; Arias & Davis, 2017). The alignment between BrainPOP Science's CER instruction and the evolving landscape of educational assessment equips students with transferable scientific literacy skills to succeed in emerging summative assessment formats and expectations. By explicitly examining the effects of instructional interventions on scientific literacy skills within the CER framework, this study provides valuable insights that contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of students' development in evidence-based reasoning skills and scientific communication.

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Arias, A. M., & Davis, E. A. (2017). Supporting children to construct evidence-based claims in science: Individual learning trajectories in a practice-based program. Teaching and Teacher Education, 66, 204–218.

Eisenhart, M., Finkel, E., & Marion, S. F. (1996). Creating the conditions for scientific literacy: A re-examination. American Educational Research Journal, 33(2), 261-295.

Evans, D., Borriello, G. A., & Field, A. P. (2018). A review of the academic and psychological impact of the transition to secondary education. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1482.

Gotwals, A. W., & Songer, N. B. (2010). Reasoning up and down a food chain: Using an assessment framework to investigate students' middle knowledge. Science Education, 94(2), 259-281.

Gotwals, A. W., & Songer, N. B. (2013). Validity evidence for learning progression‐based assessment items that fuse core disciplinary ideas and science practices. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50(5), 597-626.

Hardcastle, J. M., Herrmann Abell, C. F., & DeBoer, G. E. (2021). Validating a Claim-Evidence-Science Idea-Reasoning (CESR) Framework for Use in NGSS Assessment Tasks. Grantee Submission.

Landis, J. R., & Koch, G. G. (1977). The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data. Biometrics, 159-174.

Masters, H. (2020). Using teaching rehearsals to prepare preservice teachers for explanation-driven science instruction. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 31(4), 414-434.

Masters, H., & Docktor, J. (2022). Preservice teachers’ abilities and confidence with constructing scientific explanations as scaffolds are faded in a physics course for educators. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 33(7), 786-813.

McNeill, K. L., Lizotte, D. J., Krajcik, J., & Marx, R. W. (2006). Supporting students' construction of scientific explanations by fading scaffolds in instructional materials. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 15(2), 153-191.

McNeill, K. L., & Krajcik, J. S. (2011). Supporting Grade 5-8 Students in Constructing Explanations in Science: The Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning Framework for Talk and Writing. Pearson.

Nagaraj, A., Sood, M., & Srinivasa, G. (2018, July). Real-time automated answer scoring. In 2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) (pp. 231-232). IEEE.

National Center for Education Statistics. (2022). Science Performance. Condition of Education. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences. Retrieved [date], from

National Research Council. (2013). Next generation science standards: For states, by states.

Rosen, Y. (2021). Mind the Gap: Reimagining Science Education to Build Mastery for All.

Rosen, Y. (2009). The effects of an animation-based on-line learning environment on transfer of knowledge and on motivation for science and technology learning. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 40(4), 451-467.

Rosen, Y., Arieli-Attali, M., Ward, S., Seery, J., Simmering, V., & Ozersky, L. (2020). HERA: Exploring the power of adaptive scaffolding on scientific argumentation and modeling competencies in online learning systems. Paper presented at The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Nashville, TN.

Rosen, Y., Ozersky, L., Whitehead, M., Rushkin,I., Dawood,M. & O’Riordan, E. (2021). Building Science Mastery with BrainPOP: Three Dimensional Research-Based Learning Unlocked.*12d54t6*_ga*NjgwNDEwNzE5LjE2MDkxNzk4MTk.*_ga_WC2T867EL3*MTY4NzI2NTkyNy4xLjAuMTY4NzI2NTkyNy4wLjAuMA..&_ga=2.56771946.1909940973.1687265928-680410719.1609179819

Ruiz-Primo, M. A., Li, M., Tsai, S. P., & Schneider, J. (2008). Testing One Premise of Scientific Inquiry in Science Classrooms: A Study That Examines Students' Scientific Explanations. CRESST Report 733. National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).

Yao, J. X., Guo, Y. Y., & Neumann, K. (2016). Towards a hypothetical learning progression of scientific explanation. Asia-Pacific Science Education, 2(1), 1-17.

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Session specifications

Assessment/evaluations/use of data
Grade level:
Coaches, Curriculum/district specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
Subject area:
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Stay current with research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings from the learning sciences.
For Students:
Knowledge Constructor
  • Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media, data or other resources.
  • Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
The submitter of this session has been supported by a company whose product is being included in the session