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Connecting Climate Change with Gamification for Challenge-Based Learning

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 3

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District Technology Integration Specialist
Lake Shore Central School District
Michael serves as the District Technology Integrator for Lake Shore CSD in Angola, New York. This is his 20th year in education. Outside of Lake Shore, Michael helps lead the #GlobalStudentChat and #GlobalMakerDay teams. Michael was a past Lee Bryant Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award winner from NYSCATE. Michael has presented regionally, nationally, and internationally and is a 2x Ignite Speaker. He is a Google Certified Innovator and Trainer, a Microsoft Innovative Educator Trainer, Adobe Creative Educator Leader, and Apple Teacher. Connect with Michael at or on Twitter @m_drez.
Loretto Elementary/Duval County
Kim is a Microsoft Certified Coach, HP Teaching Fellow, a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert, a Microsoft Innovative Educator Fellow, a Minecraft Education Ambassador, and a Microsoft Flip Student Voice Ambassador. Kim is on the Minecraft Education Advisory Board and is a consultant for Insight to Execution (i2e). Kim has taught for 24 years and currently teaches K-5 Gifted students, focusing on STEM, project based learning, game based learning, and social/emotional skills development.
Springbay Studio Ltd.
Jane Ji is an award-winning game designer and producer. In tandem with her team, she created the award-winning educational mobile game series iBiome. As a co-founder of Springbay Studio, Jane created the iBiome series to educate children and create a generation that cares about nature and climate change. Jane believes that environmental education should be more empowering, playful and action-based. Currently Jane is leading her team on the League for Green Leaders program, one-of-its-kind online climate action platform for children around the world to compete and reduce their carbon footprint.
Computer Science Coordinator
Tammie Schrader is an education and computer science coordinator and consultant at Northeast Washington Education Service in Washington State. Tammie oversees 59 public schools implementing computer science. Tammie worked with the Department of Education and was a guest and speaker at the Education Games Expo in Washington D.C. She was also a guest speaker at the 2014 White House Game Jam. She has since been an acute presence as a guest speaker at the White House on the topics of computer science, gaming, evaluation and technology.

Session description

Help students find their purpose in education by centering climate change for your challenge-based learning. Learn about the research behind playing for our planet. Hear from instructional technology leaders about their experience. Test this exemplar resource yourself and get everything you need to implement your plan next year.

Purpose & objective

The session is about how we can use climate change as a topic for challenge-based learning, sharing experience of using gamification on climate change for elementary students, and getting tips and inspirations on how you will implement your challenge-based project for next year.
We will follow the framework of challenge-based learning, starting from engagement. Students grow up with video games. Using climate change as a Big Idea for our challenge, we will review a research paper published by the United Nations Environment Programme and learn about how playing can deliver for our planet.
On the investigation part, we will introduce an exemplar technology - League for Green Leaders, talk about the potential investigations students can do using the simulations provided by this technology. Related lesson plans will be shared.
It’s always beneficial to see how the learning model comes to life. We will learn from the experience of other schools on the similar approach, and the successful stories of how they implement the challenge-based learning using the exemplar technology.
We want attendees to walk away with concrete plans that they can use immediately. We will guide attendees to start with the engagement, investigation and act to outline their plan for next year, discussion with the group to flash out ideas and unknowns, and turn what they learn into the high level ideas with resources that they can rely on.

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We will review the research from United Nations Environment Programme’s on how video games can deliver for environmental education for about 15 mins.
In the next 10 mins, we’ll introduce an example technology - League for Green Leaders, and highlight the engagement students will get and the simulations that can help students with their investigation.
Hear from Michael Drezek and his experience and observation when he helps his district to implement the League program, get the practical tips from him on implementing the challenge-based learning. About 20 mins.
Invite the group to write down their high level ideas on implementing their challenge-based projects next year. Open the floor to questions and discussions for 15 mins

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Supporting research

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Session specifications

Project-, problem- & challenge-based learning
Grade level:
Skill level:
Chief technology officers/superintendents/school board members, Coaches, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: PC, Chromebook, Mac
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Subject area:
Science, Social studies
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces or in the field.
For Students:
Knowledge Constructor
  • Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.
Global Collaborator
  • Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.
The submitter of this session has been supported by a company whose product is being included in the session