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5 Tech Tools to Promote Kindness in the Classroom

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 37

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eMINTS Professional Learning
Instructional Specialist
Haylee Anderson is a(n), in order of occurrence: daughter, individual, learner, friend, creator, Spanish-speaker, teammate, athlete, reader, world-traveler, published writer, cat mom, college graduate, 7th grade ELA educator, Master of Education, high school Spanish educator, fiancée, dog mom, high school English educator, wife, Specialist in Teacher Leadership, Instructional Specialist. She is constantly in the process of becoming and creating who she was meant to be, and she believes that her purpose in life is to make it less difficult for others.

Session description

We'll model five tech tools that can help promote kindness, student belonging and collaboration in the classroom. These tools will help you gain practical and easy-to-implement strategies for building a community of learners in your own learning environments.

Purpose & objective

- Create a kinder classroom
- Understand and brainstorm uses of 5 engaging tech tools to help build kindness in the classroom
- Tech tools:, FigJam, Canva, Parlay, Google Keep
- Practice using those tech tools
- Collaborate and network with other participants

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- 5-minute introduction/opener
- Research on why kindness in the classroom is crucial (5 minutes)
- Share and demonstrate each of the 5 tools & allow participants to collaborate and try them out (5 minutes each)
- Closer (5 minutes)

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Supporting research

Bergin, Christi. (2018). Designing a prosocial classroom: Fostering collaboration in students from preK-12 with the curriculum you already use. W.W. Norton & Company.Blad, E. (2018, September 5).
Blad, E. (2018, September 5). 1 in 7 Students Found to Be “Chronically Absent,” Report Finds. Education Week.
Blad, E. (2022, April 8). Chronic Absenteeism Spiked During COVID. Here’s What Schools Can Do About It. Education Week.
Brophy, J. (1981). Teacher Praise: A Functional Analysis Author(s): Jere Brophy Published by: American Educational Research Association Stable URL: Teacher Praise: A Functional Analysis. 51(1), 5–32.
Desmon, S. (2021, February 17). “Social norms are the unwritten rules:” A Q&A with Lisa Cobb. Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs; Johns Hopkins.
Ferlazzo, L. (2022, February 2). The past and future of education research. Education Week.
Foster, J. (2021, November 30). The power of praise [Google Slides].
Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(23), 8410–8415.
Getting started with establishing ground rules. (2022). Center for Teaching Innovation; Cornell University.
Jotkoff, E. (2022, February 1). NEA survey: Massive staff shortages in schools leading to educator burnout; alarming number of educators indicating they plan to leave profession | NEA.
Learning student names. (2021).; Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning.
Leckie, R. M. (2020, December 10). Use Active Learning. Introductory Courses; Teach the Earth.
Li, P. (2021). Inductive Discipline - Why it is the Best. Parenting for Brain. Retrieved 15 November 2021, from
Li, X., Bergin, C., & Olsen, A. A. (2022). Positive teacher-student relationships may lead to better teaching. Learning and Instruction, 80, 101581. Science Direct.
Morin, A. (2021, April 6). The power of effective praise: A guide for teachers. Understood. Retrieved October 7, 2021, from
Paul Caldarella, Ross A. A. Larsen, Leslie Williams, Kade R. Downs, Howard P. Wills & Joseph H. Wehby (2020). Effects of teachers’ praise-to-reprimand ratios on elementary students’ on-task behaviour, Educational Psychology, 40:10, 1306-1322, DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2020.1711872
Ruell, P. (2019, September 4). Study shows that students learn more when taking part in classrooms that employ active-learning strategies. Harvard Gazette; Harvard Gazette.
Robertson, Glenda. (2018, August 28). The case for designing active learning activities to enhance information recall. Online Design and Development Blog; University of Colorado.
Schwartz, N., & Caldwell, D. (2022, October 17). 5 ways to get students involved as a community of learners [In-person]. MOREnet.
Strauss, V. (2020, April 22). How relationships between teachers and students are being tested in covid-19 crisis. Washington Post; The Washington Post.
Tackie, H. N. (2022). (Dis)Connected: Establishing social presence and intimacy in teacher–student relationships during emergency remote learning. AERA Open, 8, 233285842110695. Sage Journals.
Theobald, E. J., Hill, M. J., Tran, E., Agrawal, S., Arroyo, E. N., Behling, S., Chambwe, N., Cintrón, D. L., Cooper, J. D., Dunster, G., Grummer, J. A., Hennessey, K., Hsiao, J., Iranon, N., Jones, L., Jordt, H., Keller, M., Lacey, M. E., Littlefield, C. E., … Freeman, S. (2020). Active learning narrows achievement gaps for underrepresented students in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and math. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(12), 6476–6483.
Tips for learning students’ names. (2022).; Eberly Center - Carnegie Mellon University.

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Session specifications

Social emotional learning
Skill level:
Coaches, Teachers, Teacher education/higher ed faculty
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Advocate for equitable access to educational technology, digital content and learning opportunities to meet the diverse needs of all students.
  • Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community.
  • Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
The submitter of this session has been supported by a company whose product is being included in the session