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Creating An AR Mexican State Jigsaw: Own Your Culture, Love Your World.

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 29

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Instituto Alpes San Javier
Leticia García Virgen has more than twenty-five years of educational experience at the primary level in various grades, putting into practice "Personalized Education" above all, respecting the learning processes. She works as a guide, emphasizing the levels of critical and reflective thinking, accompanied by the training discipline. Leticia has total confidence in the student and in their academic achievements guarded by development skills and with the goal of achieving a love for reading once they find the magic that it gives us.

Session description

Third grade girls show how they know and love their ethnicity while learning about their geographical territory, natural wealth and cultural heritage through board games created in the makerspace with Augmented Reality, laser cutting and 3D Printing

Purpose & objective

The purpose of the project design is that students learn about their heritage in a fun and interactive way using innovation in education, achieving the development of technological skills acquiring significant knowledge to make it known to everyone.
-Identify my state as part of my country.
-Identification of the territory on the map of my state.
-Knowledge of the cultural and natural heritage of my identity, importance and conservation.
-Awaken the love of your origins.
-Using technology as a trigger to awaken interest through AR using EyeJack (visualize information in an attractive and visual way).
-Understanding laser cutting as they turn their ideas into prototypes and make changes quickly and easily, producing their first scale models, encouraging creativity and developing critical thinking skills.
-The problem of memorization of informative texts affects their interest so the development of the project will awaken interest and meaningful learning.
-To know the territorial shape of the state where they live, as well as its cultural and natural heritage.
-To make a laser-cut MDF puzzle.

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Introduction and context: Students will share the benefits of before and after learning content showing skills developed in the process. (1 min)

Evidence: The students will share with their audience the evidence of learning through a Socratic wheel in which they will visualize the before and after of the skills developed both in academic content and in the skill of using technological tools and thus exposing the benefits of the use of technology and a makerspace. (2 min)

Technology used: Students will give attendees a tutorial of how to turn their sketches into digital content so they can laser cut it afterwards. They will also have a laptop so they can show attendees how they used the Augmented reality app to add a triggering image and a video. (5 min)

Attendees will be able to access the web page where they will find the methodology applied to adapt it according to their needs or interests.

Students will share their conclusions about the learning journey they lived.(1 min)

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Supporting research

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Session specifications

Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Download Eyejack app

Subject area:
Social studies, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces or in the field.
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.
Creative Communicator
  • Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.