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Combating Teacher Reluctance and Resistance With Choice

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 34

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Teacher/Site Tech Coordinator
Vail School District
ISTE Certified Educator
Amanda Calkins is an ISTE Certified Educator. Amanda has an MEd in Educational Leadership and has been in the Vail School District for nine years. She taught elementary students before becoming a Site Technology Coordinator. Amanda is a cognitive, literacy, math and edtech instructional coach for teachers in her district.
Site Technology Coordinator
Vail School District
ISTE Certified Educator
Elaine Murphy is an experienced educator with a passion for technology in the classroom. She has been teaching since 2008 and began her career as an elementary school teacher in the Vail School District. It was during this time that she first became passionate about infusing technology into the classroom. Elaine is an ISTE Certified Educator, recipient of the Making IT Happen Award, and Google Certified Educator Level 2. As a Site Technology Coordinator for Vail School District Small Program sites, she coaches and supports staff in integrating technology into their teaching and learning.
Education Technology Coordinator
Vail School District
ISTE Certified Educator
Rita Boyd, ISTE Certified Educator, is a former fifth grade teacher turned Educational Technology Coordinator for the Vail School District in southern Arizona. She is a member of her school district’s Educational Leadership Team and Computer Science Advisory Team, and has presented about Computational Thinking at several conferences. Rita has collaborated with educators from around the world to host professional developments related to Digital Citizenship with the ISTE DigCit PLN. Her passion is empowering teachers to implement technology in their classrooms so that students can experience firsthand what it means to be digital agents of change.

Session description

Utilizing choice in professional development empowers teachers to address their unique knowledge gaps and enhance their engagement with the content. By allowing educators to select sessions aligned with their specific needs and interests, they are more likely to actively participate, leading to more effective learning experiences and improved teaching outcomes.

Purpose & objective

Purpose: The purpose of this professional development is to empower school leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively use choice boards to develop professional development opportunities for teachers. It aims to provide school leaders with a versatile tool for designing personalized and inclusive learning experiences that cater to various learning styles and needs. Additionally, it seeks to foster a culture of innovation, collaboration, and professional agency among educators, aligning with current educational standards and trends.


Introduce Choice Boards: Familiarize educators with the concept of choice boards, explaining their potential in enhancing not only teachers engagement during professional development, but also as a tool for student engagement and addressing diverse learning styles.

Design Proficiency: Develop educators' competence in creating choice boards, teaching them to design effective, visually appealing, and user-friendly options that align with curricular goals.

Customization for Learning Styles: Teach educators how to adapt choice boards to cater to different learning styles, ensuring inclusivity in the learning process.

Technology Integration: Equip educators with the skills to incorporate digital tools and resources effectively within choice boards, promoting digital literacy and technological innovation. We will showcase how we used tools like Canva and Airtable to organize professional learning opportunities for teachers.

Collaborative Learning: Encourage collaboration among educators, fostering a community of practice where they can share choice board strategies, resources, and successes.

Alignment with Standards: Ensure that educators understand how choice boards align with educational standards and trends, such as the ISTE Standards for Students and Educators.

Student-Centered Approach: Promote a student-centered approach to teaching by emphasizing how choice boards can enhance student agency, self-directed learning, and motivation.

Inclusive Education: Highlight the role of choice boards in fostering inclusivity and addressing the diverse needs of all learners, regardless of their backgrounds or abilities.

Practical Implementation: Provide educators with practical guidance on implementing choice boards as a tool for professional development, including assessment strategies, monitoring progress, and gathering feedback.

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I. Introduction
A. Welcome and Session Overview
B. Setting the Context: The Role of Choice Boards for Teacher Professional Development
C. Importance of Addressing Diverse Learning Styles and Reluctant Teachers

II. Understanding Choice Boards
A. What Are Choice Boards?
B. Benefits and Pedagogical Significance
C. Alignment with Educational Standards and Trends

III. Designing Effective Choice Boards
A. Elements of a Choice Board
B. Visual Design and User-Friendly Layout
C. Customization for Learning Styles

IV. Integrating Technology
A. Incorporating Digital Tools and Resources (Canva and Airtable)
B. Interactive Examples and Demonstrations

V. Collaboration and Sharing
A. Building a Community of Practice
B. Peer Collaboration: Sharing Strategies and Resources
C. Collective Problem-Solving

VI. Fostering Professional Agency
A. Autonomy in Designing Learning Experiences
B. Promoting Teacher Leadership Skills
C. Personalizing Professional Learning

VII. Implementing Choice Boards for Professional Learning
A. Practical Strategies for Integration
B. Monitoring Progress
C. Gathering Feedback

VIII. Inclusivity and Student-Centered Learning
A. Addressing Diverse Needs and Backgrounds
B. Encouraging Student Agency and Self-Directed Learning
C. Promoting Motivation and Engagement

IX. Assessment and Evaluation
A. Assessing Learning Outcomes
B. Adjustments and Continuous Improvement
C. Measuring the Impact of Choice Boards

X. Q&A and Discussion
A. Addressing Participant Questions and Concerns
B. Sharing Insights and Experiences

XI. Networking and Connections
A. Opportunity for Participants to Connect and Share Contacts
B. Sharing Additional Resources and Materials

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Supporting research

Nagoski, E., & Nagoski, A. (2019). Burnout: The secret to unlocking the stress cycle. Ballantine Books.

Aguilar, E., & Cohen, L. (2022). The PD book: 7 habits that transform professional development (1st ed.). Wiley.

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Session specifications

Professional learning
Skill level:
Coaches, Curriculum/district specialists, Library media specialists
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Empowering Leader
  • Empower educators to exercise professional agency, build teacher leadership skills and pursue personalized professional learning.
  • Build the confidence and competency of educators to put the ISTE Standards for Students and Educators into practice.
  • Inspire a culture of innovation and collaboration that allows the time and space to explore and experiment with digital tools.