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Making AI Your New Secret Superpower

Colorado Convention Center, Innovation Arcade: AI Exploration Lab A, Table 2

Innovation arcade: Exploration lab
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Secondary ELA Coordinator
St. Vrain Valley School District
Jenny Seiler has been in the field of education for 22 years and currently serves as the Secondary Language Arts coordinator for St. Vrain Valley School District after spending 19 years as a middle school educator. She is responsible for providing school based and districtwide professional development related to our district curriculum and has presented as local, state, and national conferences on topics related to Language Arts.

Session description

St. Vrain Valley School District took an early and proactive approach to incorporating generative AI that aligns with their instructional framework and supports student and staff populations. In this session discover emerging AI tools and resources that boost engagement, improve learning outcomes, and save time on planning and grading.

Purpose & objective

This presentation offers teachers and leaders a valuable opportunity to explore how the St. Vrain Valley School District has effectively integrated generative AI into education. The primary objectives are to provide insights on the latest generative AI tools and strategies alongside practical guidance on implementation for attendees to take back to their school or district.

To guide their AI integration and usage, St. Vrain Valley School district utilizes a research-based instructional framework. In this instructional framework, four areas build momentum to propel student success: planning and preparation, engaging and instructing, reflecting and adjusting, and assessing and analyzing. This session uses this instructional model to ground the usage of technological solutions to achieve student reading and writing growth.

Hands-on experience in this session will enable participants to learn how generative AI tools can support and save time with curriculum and assignment creation, feedback, and grading, and folding student data back into instruction to reach differentiated learning outcomes.

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*10 minutes - Introduction
Writable as a curricular resource
Schools included in the use of this curricular resource
AI and Writable as it connects to St. Vrain Valley’s Instructional Framework

*15 minutes - Exploration of the Writable Platform as a Student (device-based interaction)
Participants join a Demo Course and experience the platform as students
Participants complete a variety of reading and writing tasks within the platform as a student

*15 minutes - Exploration of the Writable Platform as a Teacher (device-based and peer-to-peer interaction)
Participants return to teacher account and learn about AI integration with grading and feedback features
Participants are able to grade and provide feedback in the demo course using AI integration

*15 minutes - Exploration of the Writable Platform as a Teacher (device-based and peer-to-peer interaction)
Participants are able to explore AI features in the creation of various writing and reading assignments.

*10 minutes Q&A (peer-to-peer interaction)

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Supporting research

Achieving Writing Proficiency: The Research on Practice, Feedback, & Revision by Dr. Troy Hicks (

NCTE Statement on Literacy in a Digital Age (

NCTE Commentary on AI (

AI for Impact - Writable (

Atlas of AI by Kate Crawford (

Office of Ed Tech on AI (

AI and the Future of Teaching & Learning (

EDWeek Teacher Survey - in reference to time saving (,school%20building%20is%20spent%20teaching.)

Hattie Effect Size (

Hattie’s Barometer Of Influence (

Seven Keys to Effective Feedback by Grant Wiggins (

St. Vrain Valley School District Instructional Framework (

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Session specifications

Artificial Intelligence
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Principals/head teachers, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices required
Attendee device specification:
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: iOS, Windows, Android
Subject area:
Language arts
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.
  • Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
  • Use technology to design and implement a variety of formative and summative assessments that accommodate learner needs, provide timely feedback to students and inform instruction.