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Better Than Async: Putting UNITY Into Online Learning Community

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom 3GH

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Mathematics Teacher
Dwight Global Online School
Mathematics teacher of 11 years (7th - 12th grade). Curriculum & Instruction Coach Currently teaching for Dwight Global Online, a fully accredited online school for grades 6-12.
Associate Director of C&I
Dwight Global Online School
Paul Roncone is a veteran teacher of brick & mortar schools and online learning education. In the classroom and behind the curtain in C&I, he checks his pride at the proverbial door, opens his mind, and gobbles up tech learning opportunities (and pizza) in order to continuously build an understanding of the ever-changing 21st Century landscape around him and foster genuine relationships with students, families, and colleagues.

Session description

Want to move your online class or school to the next level? In "Better Than Asynch," we will explore ways to build an online community that reaches well beyond the cold asynchronous confines of traditional distance learning through five basic principles of UNITY.

Purpose & objective

By the end of the presentations, educators and educational leaders will be equipped with ideas and procedures to incorporate in their online school to better strengthen infrastructure and stakeholder buy-in.

By the end of the presentations, attendees will be supplied with concepts that can be put in place immediately (tomorrow) or over time (up to two years) to better build a community in their online environment.

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--Intro (8min)
Discuss the landscape of online learning post-COVID
Poll audience of basic demographics
Present guiding statement and goals of presentation
**How can an online school move from an asynchronous education source to an all-inclusive learning community?
**Statement: By Putting UNITY into an Online Learning Community
1. Unlock the Whole Student (8min)
Deliver Scenario about the importance of engaging learners passions.
Discuss easy additions to curriculum and LMS that can go in "Tomorrow" by classroom teachers up to admin
Range up to the successful longer projects "Two Years" with teacher groups, task force, school improvement plan, admin up to district leaders
2.Navigate Relationships (8min)
Deliver Scenario about the importance of online students having access to school social opportunities.
Discuss "Tomorrow" ideas-- teachers up to admin
Explore longer projects "Two Years" groups, SIP, admin, district leaders
3. Individualize Learning (12min)
Deliver Scenario about the importance of the balance of asynchronous and crucial synchronous opportunities while exploring personalized learning
Discuss "Tomorrow" ideas-- teachers up to admin
Explore longer projects "Two Years" groups, SIP, admin, district leaders
4. Take school spirit seriously (8min)
Deliver Scenario about brick and mortars have school spirit and it is crucial online schools do also
Discuss "Tomorrow" ideas-- teachers up to admin
Explore longer projects "Two Years" groups, SIP, admin, district leaders
5. Yield to stakeholder voice(8min)
Deliver Scenario about the getting students and parents involved in the community
Discuss "Tomorrow" ideas-- teachers up to admin
Explore longer projects "Two Years" groups, SIP, admin, district leaders
--Reflection Time (3min)
--Close and open floor for questions (5min)

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Supporting research

Qualitative data and findings based on:
-School climate
-DEI procedures
-Student, staff and family feedback/surveys
-Student progress and achievement
-Niche Ranking

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Session specifications

Distance, online & blended learning
Grade level:
Skill level:
Principals/head teachers, Teachers, Curriculum/district specialists
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Google Slides -
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Shape, advance and accelerate a shared vision for empowered learning with technology by engaging with education stakeholders.
  • Explore and apply instructional design principles to create innovative digital learning environments that engage and support learning.
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process.