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Studyverse: Inmerse into studying

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 16

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DELMAR International School
DELMAR International School
DELMAR International School
DELMAR International School
DELMAR International School
- High school teacher with 12 years of experience. - Competitive robotics coach. - Competitive programming coach.

Session description

Find out how students designed and created a creative and innovative way to study for exams, using virtual reality applications and creating their own Cardboard Visor.

Purpose & objective

Studying for an exam can present a number of educational challenges that students often face. Staying focused during study sessions can be difficult, especially with electronic devices, social media and other distractions present.

We used technology as our ally to create innovative and engaging study methods for children and young adults.

The students designed and created a 3D simulation with the digital tool Cospaces EDU where they place study material in different formats, text, audio, video and some dynamics. The student enters this platform to make a virtual tour going through all the study topics in first person, for this we recommend a 3D viewer, we also include how the student can create their own "Cardboard Visor", we will share with you a manual with the materials you need and instructions.

In our presentation, the students will explain how to use this simulation as a study tool for exams and the steps to create the "Cardboard Visor" so that all your students can build their own.

The simulation was a great success among the Elementary School, Middle School and High School students who tried it, awakening their interest and enthusiasm for studying.

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It is a virtual world through a 3D simulation, where we will place the topics to be studied using written documents, audios, videos, and some dynamics so that the student has all the necessary elements to study for his exam. The student will be able to interact in first person with the elements, since he will wear a visor, this visor can be made of cardboard and inside it a mobile device. We will share how to create the cardboard visor so that all students can build their own.
The student will be able to move between the topics as if he/she were really inside. This generates a huge interest for the student to continue studying.

We chose the poster presentation format, this allows us to make the presentation short and interesting for the audience, and to perform some dynamics. During the 90 minutes that the presentation lasts, we will be giving talks of maximum 10 minutes to the attendees as they pass by.

The contents, activities and times we propose for the session are:
- Presentation of the equipment.
- Explanation of 3D simulation.
- Benefits and advantages of 3D simulation as a digital study tool.
- Attendees test the 3D simulation with a viewer.
- Doubts and questions.

All the necessary information about the 3D simulation and the creation of the "Cardboard Visor" will be shared via QR code.

Our tactic to attract the audience is to offer them to try the simulation with the 3D Viewer, so they will be convinced that it is a good study tool for their students. Peer-to-peer interaction.

If we are chosen for a format other than posters, we have the capacity to adapt to the necessary time frame.

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Supporting research

The use of virtual learning environments favors the digital inclusion of students and teachers, in addition to stimulating blended learning, making classes and study methods more dynamic.

About Cospaces EDU:
It is an educational platform for the creation and exploration of virtual worlds whose main objective is to foster creativity, collaboration and learning through experiences in three-dimensional environments. It is designed specifically for education and is used for a variety of purposes.

About the "Cardboard Viewer":
A "CardBoard Visor" will be built, using easily manipulated materials, the "Crafting" technique will be mainly applied.
In Sweden, the McDonald's Happy Meal is converted into virtual reality glasses called "Happy Goggles".

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Session specifications

Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Principals/head teachers, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
The student presenters will bring everything needed to make the exhibition a success.
Subject area:
Performing/visual arts, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
Knowledge Constructor
  • Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
Creative Communicator
  • Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.