Participants will be able to explore how the use of digital tools can underscore deep, purposeful learning as exemplars illustrate how students created their own knowledge by developing their own images that allowed them to make relevant, real-world connections to historical and literary texts. Such instruction and assessment promote technology as a tool that not only engages students but also promotes creativity and critical thinking through collaborative teams while providing safe, legal, and ethical guidelines for students as digital citizens.
* 25 Minutes - Explain and demonstrate the design of the authentic learning activity (novel study) that used content standards in Social Studies and English language arts for impactful learning that also used digital tools to enhance the interdisciplinary project-based learning for Social Studies -ELA (ISTE Standard); This section will also include peer-to-peer discussion and device-based activities.
*25 Minutes - Explain and demonstrate how the use of digital tools promoted students engaging in safe, ethical, legal practices that also promoted intellectual rights/property- This includes demonstrating use of digital tools (ISTE Standard). This section will also include peer-to-peer interaction and device-based activities.
* 10 minutes - Explain how the two presenters planned for and collaborated as colleagues to create authentic learning experiences for students that utilized technology (ISTE Standard). This section will also include peer-to-peer discussion.
1. Carol Ann Tomlinson's model of differentiated instruction - Book - The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners, 2nd Edition
2. ISTE Standards for Educators
3. Project-based learning website