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AI Adventures in the School Library: Ethical Considerations, Accessibility, Innovation and Creativity


Participate and share: Interactive session
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Virtual Session
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Cardinal Carter CHS
Jennifer Casa-Todd is wife, mom, a Teacher-Librarian in Ontario Canada, a former Literacy Consultant, a Google Certified Trainer and Innovator, and the author of the books, Social LEADia, Raising Digital Leaders, and the children’s book series Aubrey Bright. She is also a former ISTE Librarian PLN executive member and current GEG Ontario leader and ISTE Community Leader. Jennifer received the ISTE Digital Citizenship Network award (2020), and YSPC teaching leadership award (2023). She is passionate about showing teachers and students how they can use technology and social media to make the world a better place.
Teacher Librarian
York Region District School Board
Jen is a Teacher Librarian & EdTech Consultant. She has a M. Ed from the University of Toronto and a specialist in Education Technology. Google Innovator, sketchnoter, podcaster, and dad joke aficionado, Jen seeks to ensure learning is authentic and relevant, especially for struggling students.

Session description

Discover the ethical dimensions of integrating AI, addressing questions of data ethics and responsible use. We will explore and model how AI can make school libraries more accessible, help support diverse student needs, foster inclusivity, while harnessing the potential power of innovation, productivity and creativity within the teacher librarian role.

Purpose & objective

Purpose: Teacher Librarians support teachers and students with research and informational literacy. These skills have been impacted by Generative AI and Teacher-Librarians need to be able to navigate the implications of AI in order to continue to support teachers. This session will help Librarians and Library Media specialists think critically about AI ethical considerations as well as use it as a tool to innovate classroom instruction.

-Participants will...
-use AI tools in the context of the presentation
-share their own ethical dilemmas via an interactive AI tool
-consider bias, copyright, and ownership issues as cited in research and practice
-learn about ways to use AI to differentiate instruction to address learning needs
-learn about how AI (Curipod) can provide multiple means of engagement
-consider the extent to which AI can be used to augment content collections as well as support teacher productivity

The tools and ideas shared have been used by the presenters in their own libraries with great success.

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The presentation will be divided as follows:
Introduction (3 minutes)
Ethical Considerations (10 minutes) + 5 minutes interactive activity using AI tool
Accessibility (10 minutes)
-tools to support UDL and differentiation
Innovation and Creativity (10 minutes) + 5 minutes generating prompts using AI tool
-create AI-proof assignments
-role of AI in creative work
Consolidation (2 minutes)
-Contribute to a shared resource document

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Supporting research

Appel, Gil, et al. “Generative AI Has an Intellectual Property Problem.” Harvard Business Review, 7 April 2023, Accessed 28 September 2023.
Brittain, Blake. “AI-generated art cannot receive copyrights, US court says.” Reuters, 21 August 2023, Accessed 28 September 2023.
Eapen, Tojin T., et al. “How Generative AI Can Augment Human Creativity.” Harvard Business Review, July/August 2023, Accessed 28 September 2023.
Lawton, George. “Generative AI Ethics: 8 Biggest Concerns.” TechTarget, 18 April 2023, Accessed 28 September 2023.
Marr, Bernard. “The Intersection Of AI And Human Creativity: Can Machines Really Be Creative?” Forbes, 27 March 2023, Accessed 28 September 2023.
Office of Educational Technology. “Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning (PDF).” Department of Education, 1 May 2023, Accessed 28 September 2023.
Pazzanese, Christina. “Ethical concerns mount as AI takes bigger decision-making role.” Harvard Gazette, 26 October 2020, Accessed 28 September 2023.
“Top 9 ethical issues in artificial intelligence | World Economic Forum.” The World Economic Forum, 21 October 2016, Accessed 28 September 2023.

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Session specifications

Artificial Intelligence
Grade level:
Skill level:
Library media specialists
Attendee devices:
Devices required
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency.
  • Mentor students in safe, legal and ethical practices with digital tools and the protection of intellectual rights and property.
  • Explore and apply instructional design principles to create innovative digital learning environments that engage and support learning.