The purpose of this session is to provide the how and why of partnering with ISTE to provide memberships, certification cohorts, and other resources for schools wether it be a statewide initiative or a district initiative.
Content: The focus of the panel is to share how the North Carolina implementation of ISTE Standards, ISTE memberships, and ISTE certifications has been done and the impact it has had in its first two years.
Time: The session will fall in the following timeline-
- Introductions and back ground 5-10 minutes
- Question and answer 30-40 minutes
- Audience questions 10-20 minutes (the audience will be encouraged to ask questions during the panel discussions also).
Process: The session will follow traditional panel discussion format with a short introduction of the NC Digital Learning Plan, the State's ISTE partnership, and the role of each person in the panel. The questions from the moderator and the audience will drive the conversation in the direction needed for those participating.
Evidence of the ISTE Standards for Educators leading to learning gains:
Redefining learning in a technology-driven world: A report to support adoption of the ISTE Standards for Students: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/