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Empower Student Creativity With Digital Gameboards Featuring Adobe Express

Colorado Convention Center, 708/10/12

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Adjunct Faculty, Educational Technology
Notre Dame de Namur University
Cate Tolnai supports educators in the areas of digital learning, artificial intelligence, and creativity throughout the state of California. An educator since 2002, she brings her experience in classrooms and as a site, district, & county administrator and professional learning leader to each of her projects. In 2019, she co-authored the ISTE publication highlighting the impact of game-based learning and instructional play, "Power Up Your Classroom: Reimagine Learning Through Gameplay." Cate was named 2022 Blended and Online Educator of the Year by CUE, California's ISTE Affiliate.

Session description

Colors, shapes, fonts, images -- so much to create! Empower your students to design their own gameboards using Adobe Express. We’ll explore the impact of game-based learning & how it can flex to meet your needs in the classroom. You’ll walk away with templates ready to remix with your learners tomorrow!

Purpose & objective

The purpose of this session is to create a learning space for educators to create game-based learning instructional materials and consider ways to integrate these resources in their classrooms to instill joy in learning. Too many learners and educators are stressed and aren’t able to create time to enjoy each others’ company. This session identifies this issue and provides practical, research-based solutions to address this issue.
Participants will be able to integrate game-based and gamified instructional strategies with confidence.
Participants will remix templates and design original digital resources using the Adobe Express platform.
Participants will be able to experience strategies as a learner and debrief the experience as an instructor.

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OBJECTIVE: Participants will integrate game-based and gamified strategies into their classroom instruction with creativity and confidence using the Adobe Express platform.

Part 1: Understand GBL as an Instructional Strategy (12 min)
Reflect upon your current classroom culture. How much time do you dedicate to creativity? Do your students feel empowered to exercise voice and choice when it comes to their instructional plans?

Part 2: Play and Design (20 min -- games, peer collaboration)
We’ll dive into some hands-on design time that will result in classroom ready gameboard templates that help your learners take their first step in the design thinking process.

Part 3: Debrief and Deconstruct (18 min -- digital reflection, peer collaboration)
Consider your learners. Do they feel ready to take risks? If not, how can you help them take micro-risks and build their confidence through gameplay and fun?

Stage 4: Plan for Next Steps (10 min)
Leveraging the research we explored about brains and the experiences we’ve had as practitioners, where will you go from here? How can you bring more creative experiences to your learners without upsetting the established workflow and schedule? Or, are you ready to go big and reimagine the whole thing? You take your own next step!

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Supporting research

Publications that highlight the power of play as an instructional strategy:
- "Power Up Your Classroom: Reimagine Learning Through Gameplay" (ISTE Publication)
- "Explore Like a Pirate: Gamification and Game-Inspired Course Design to Engage, Enrich and Elevate Your Learners"
- "Level Up Your Classroom: The Quest to Gamify Your Lessons and Engage Your Students: The Quest to Gamify Your Lessons and Engage Your Students"

Framework Research that supports Gameplay/Gamification:
- Historically Responsive Literacy Framework
- Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) & the Brain
- Game-Based Learning (GBL)
- Design Thinking Process
- Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning Framework (CASEL)

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Session specifications

Games for learning & gamification
Skill level:
Library media specialists, Professional developers, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices required
Attendee device specification:
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Activate your free Adobe for Education Express account (
Subject area:
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Collaborate and co-learn with students to discover and use new digital resources and diagnose and troubleshoot technology issues.
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Innovative Designer
  • Students exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance and the capacity to work with open-ended problems.