Enable participants to direct student-focused collaborative groups in content-aligned problem-solving lessons that use both hands-on and digital tools.
Participants will be able to implement the Literature & Engineering Framework in future lessons.
Participants will be able to utilize an empathy map in future lessons.
Participants will be able to lead students in using makerspace and digital tools to solve problems presented in literature.
Educational Challenge:
Provide students with authentic opportunities to work collaboratively to solve problems by generating and testing creative solutions.
Model Employed:
Literature & Engineering Process - A method by which students identify a problem posed in a picture book and utilize content-area knowledge to design and test a solution.
Presentation outline:
- Introduction of Literature & Engineering Process (5-10 minutes)
- In small groups, participants use makerspace and digital tools as well as content-specific knowledge to generate ideas and solve a problem posed in a picture book (40 minutes)
- Share out and reflection (5-10 minutes)
- Wrap up and sharing of resources (5 minutes)