The purpose of this session is for participants to understand the benefits of digital storytelling in removing barriers to creative expression for all students with varying needs, and to practice using these tools to create a collaborative book.
Participants will learn about various accessibility tools within Book Creator that engage all students in storytelling.
Participants will have the opportunity to engage in a shared learning environment to practice using these tools.
Participants will be have the opportunity to ask questions as they work and imagine the possibilities for implementing these tools in their schools.
5 minutes - Introduce myself and my experience using digital storytelling in the classroom. Showcase an example of a student who was overwhelmed by the thought of writing, but given the right digital tools, she became a very expressive, creative storyteller.
5 minutes - Discuss the benefits of digital storytelling as a form of creative expression and to build literacy skills. Outline the ISTE standards supported.
5 minutes - Have everyone join Book Creator and my library to access and copy a template book
40 minutes - Showcase multiple tools for creative expression and accessibility such as video captioning, audio transcripts, dictation in multiple languages, and keyboard navigation. I will stop after introducing each feature to allow participants to try it out in the book. After introducing various features, participants will complete a page in their book
5 minutes - Reflect on how digital storytelling aides in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning and differentiated instruction of writing.
The research points to the need for innovation in teaching writing to remove barriers. Digital tools improve engagement and provide students with multiple modes of expression. Additionally, Universal Design for Learning principles are updated to reflect the most current educational research supporting the need to use innovative approaches to helping students communicate and express themselves.
Universal Design for Learning Guidelines - Supporting Research:
Munajah, R., Sumantri, M. S., & Yufiarti, Y. (2022). The use of digital storytelling to improve students’ writing skills. Advances in Mobile Learning Educational Research, 3(1), 579-585.
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