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The Ill Prepared: How To Address Our Failure Towards Our Future

Colorado Convention Center, 603

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Renton Preparatory Christian School
10th grader at Renton Prep, blending academics with a passion to embrace creativity in an educational space. Engaged in the student life and perspective, contributing a unique point of view for past ISTE, NCCE, and TechFest conferences. Exploring the intersection of technology and education (as a student at a STEM school), I thrive on innovative and engaging approaches to learning.
Renton Preparatory Christian School
I'm a good student, hoping to spread my views on the world and its upcoming challenges.
Director of Innovative Teaching and Learning Sciences
Renton Prep
ISTE Certified Educator
Michelle Zimmerman, author of Teaching AI: Exploring New Frontiers for Learning, published in 5 languages, was selected as 2021 ISTE Visionary Leadership, 2019 EdTech Leadership Awards Global Leader finalist and selected 7 consecutive years as Microsoft MVP. She teaches middle and high school while serving in administration at Renton Prep, a Microsoft Showcase School. Her PhD in Learning Sciences and Human Development is from University of Washington, and her research has been recognized with multiple awards. Since 2007, she has presented around the world. You can find her in Forbes, GeekWire, Venture Beat, Getting Smart, local and international news.

Session description

The future of the current generation is headed towards transitory struggles within AI developments, which has important ties within the socioeconomic failures effecting children. Learn to address the lack of advancement for challenges facing the world, advancements in educational technologies, and economic downturns that will effect present and later generations.

Purpose & objective

This presentation aims to illuminate the interplay between artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace, unemployment, socio-economic struggles, and their impact on students' most transitory periods of their educational journey. Our objective is to offer a comprehensive overview of economic and educational dynamics in an AI-driven era, investigating its origins and consequences while examining how AI technologies can lead to job disappearances and open up new employment opportunities. We plan to analyze the repercussions of new world developments and raise awareness about these critical issues, particularly among those that future generations will interact with, and the informative role an educator must demonstrate.

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5 minutes - introductions, background and student's presenting history
10-15 minutes - discuss current socio-economic struggles and how they will impact future generations.
15-20 minutes - present current issues within schools (underpreparing them - lack of understanding about AI), fixes for the socio-economic struggles, and possibilities for next steps.
5 - minutes, closing thoughts and Q&A with audience.

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Supporting research

Novels (economics):

Capital In The 21st Century Thomas Piketty
Inequality and how to solve it Anthony B. Atkinson
The Privatization of Everything Donald A. Cohen
Debt, Money, and The New World Order Phillip Cogga

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Session specifications

Equity and inclusion
Grade level:
Skill level:
Chief technology officers/superintendents/school board members, Professional developers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Subject area:
Career and technical education
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Visionary Planner
  • Evaluate progress on the strategic plan, make course corrections, measure impact and scale effective approaches for using technology to transform learning.
Systems Designer
  • Ensure that resources for supporting the effective use of technology for learning are sufficient and scalable to meet future demand.