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Infusing AI Education in Educator Preparation Programs

Colorado Convention Center, 107/9

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Assistant Professor
Longwood University
Alecia Blackwood is an author, consultant, coach, facilitator, international speaker, and former Fulbright-Hays Scholar for Namibia and Botswana with over 25 years of experience in education. Dr. Blackwood is recognized as one of the leading experts in the USA on Ubuntu pedagogy, a humanistic approach to fostering student engagement in teaching and learning. She was recently awarded the 2024 ISTE faculty research fellow, where she is exploring research on Artificial Intelligence(AI) in school environments. Currently, she is also an Assistant Professor of Education at Longwood University.
CEO / Educational Consultant
The Block Uncarved
ISTE Certified Educator
Nancye Blair Black is an ISTE-certified educator, renowned speaker, and consultant who cultivates dignity-driven instructional practices that empower educators, leaders, and students to succeed. Nancye is the author of nationally-implemented computer science curricula and several books, including Tablets in K-12 Education and the Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom series. She is ISTE's AI Explorations Project Lead and a TC Games Research Lab leader. She's completing her doctoral degree in Instructional Technology at Teachers College Columbia University. Talk to her about equity, AI, ISTE Cert, unique educational experiences, anything you're passionate about! @NancyeBlackEdu.
Faculty - Education
Georgia State University
@G. Sue Kasun
Sue Kasun, Professor, is teacher education faculty at Georgia State University in Atlanta. Most of her work, including two recently published books through Routledge, has engaged multilingual learners and their transnationalism--how cultures span borders. She is passionate about equity in education and has recently begun publishing and presenting related to AI in education, especially as it relates to access. Recent publications have addressed access to AI and technology in less-resourced countries and the thirst people in these spaces exhibit for access. She is an ISTE Educator Preparation Fellow for the 2024-2025 school year.
Arizona State University
Janice brings experience as a teacher, school administrator, and district curriulum specialist to her role as assistant director of curriculum and pedagogy at the Learning Engineering Institute and clinical assistant professor at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, both at Arizona State University. She researches the intersection of equity in technology, artificial intelligence, STEM education, and computational thinking. She was on the writing team of ISTE's computational thinking competencies and CSTA's CS teacher standards, and has served on local and national boards related to education. She is honored to have been recognized with ISTE's Making IT Happen and Advocacy awards.

Session description

Artificial intelligence is all around us — and education leaders, teachers and students must all prepare for this AI-powered world. Join this prestigious team of ISTE AI in Education Preparation Program Fellows as they discuss cutting-edge approaches to integrating topics around AI education into teacher preparation, lead powerful hands-on AI experiences perfect for adult learners, and respond to burning questions about preparing new and preservice educators to teach in the age of AI.

Purpose & objective

While many organizations have developed professional learning opportunities for in-service educators, a gap remains for resources specifically designed for those facilitating and enrolled in Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs). In response to this gap, ISTE launched its first AI Explorations for EPPs Faculty Fellowship. As a result of the Faculty Fellows’ collaboration, we will articulate a framework of seven critical strategies with the potential to address the urgent need EPPs have in preparing preservice teachers to effectively integrate AI-powered instructional tools and to teach this new area of content knowledge in PreK-12 classrooms.

Once the stuff of science fiction, AI now permeates nearly every facet of our lives, and while most of us are aware of tools like virtual assistants or AI robots, we may not be cognizant of the many ways that AI is impacting society. Until recently, conventional wisdom has suggested that instruction about AI should be confined to computer science courses at the high school level and above. However, the use of AI is becoming so pervasive throughout society that a basic understanding of what AI is and what its capabilities are is becoming as necessary as more traditional literacy skills such as reading, writing, and computation. Moreover, all educators need to understand how AI technologies can be used for and might impact instruction, assessment, administrative tasks, and even student learning activities.

We have objectives below:

Preparing higher ed faculty and staff, as well as current and future teachers, to apply nationally recognized educational technology frameworks to accelerate transformative digital learning, including best practices for AI education.

Equipping EPP faculty and staff to continuously improve expertise around technology for learning in areas such as K-12 AI education, how AI technologies impact instruction, and how to pass on knowledge about AI and education to future teachers.

Inspiring current and future teachers to consider STEM teaching opportunities by building competence and excitement around AI and STEM education.

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This session will feature an innovative and interactive approach to a multi-presenter session, giving both presenters and attendees the opportunity to interact and respond to various issues surrounding AI education.

1. Getting Started: Introduction of presenters & welcome from ISTE and GM
2. Take a Closer Look: Fellows demonstrate and discuss strategies and activities for integrating AI education topics into teacher preparation and professional development
3. Wrapping Up: Audience Q&A, Final thoughts from fellows, and Resource share.

(More specifics will be added to this interactive session outline later this spring. This session is being developed by ISTE's 2024 AI in Education Preparation Programs Fellows. This fellowship of innovative higher ed faculty and staff is being convened strategically to develop the strategies, resources, and materials for this ISTELive Conference session, as well as future expanded offerings for the teacher education community.)

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Supporting research

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Session specifications

Artificial Intelligence
Grade level:
Community college/university
Skill level:
Teacher education/higher ed faculty
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Subject area:
Computer science
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Stay current with research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings from the learning sciences.
  • Create learning opportunities that challenge students to use a design process and computational thinking to innovate and solve problems.