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3...2...1...launch!!! Technology in the development of school rockets

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 39

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Hello, I'm Luís Alves, graduated in Biological Sciences and Master in emerging technologies in education, with an emphasis on active methodologies from MUST UNIVERSITY Florida. I am a professor of Robotics and Biology at Colégio Stocco, located in Santo André, São Paulo. By combining science, technology and robotics in the classroom, I seek to awaken students' curiosity and interest. Through practical and challenging projects, I encourage them to explore the world of science in a creative, collaborative and interdisciplinary way. Robotics and technology have a special place in my heart! I really want to participate in ISTE to learn more!

Session description

From the development of school rockets and the application of robotics, our students had the opportunity to participate in scientific knowledge Olympiads. This brought a true revolution in the development of the subjects of Science and Technological Education. Following the scientific methodology, the groups carried out research, development of prototypes, field tests, with data collection carried out by the Arduino UNO that allowed mathematical and physical analyzes that resulted in the development of a more effective rocket. The students qualified for the Jornada de Foguetes, the largest scientific event in the area in Brazil. After days of competition, they returned as champions of the Journey, with the aim of sharing and transmitting the knowledge acquired. To this end, they organized practical workshops to be held in state public schools close to our school, promoting scientific dissemination and experiencing the democratization of teaching and the exchange of experiences between students.

Purpose & objective

Building PET bottle rockets is a fascinating field that combines creativity and science in a unique approach. In this context, scientific propaganda plays a fundamental role in disseminating knowledge and awakening society's interest in this area of ​​study.
In Brazil, scientific propaganda is even more relevant, considering the transformative potential it has in education and the development of individuals' scientific skills (Silva, 2020).
In Brazil, science and technology are fields that bring several benefits and open doors for those interested in the area. It is known that since Brazil began investing in scientific research, the solution to problems in its own territory has increased, for example, in Agriculture. Agriculture today is one of the main sources of income in Brazil, representing 24.8% of the wealth produced by the country, and without the necessary investments in the area of ​​research and knowledge, none of this would be happening.
Brazil also experiences social inequality that directly affects education. Therefore, with this project, we aim to commit to bringing something simple and cheap to build, like PET Bottle rockets, and at the same time encouraging other people and democratizing access to technology and scientific research.
Our objective was to publicize the school rocket launching activity through a simple and accessible approach for elementary and high school students. To this end, the project carried out development, research and construction of a PET Bottle rocket model. Built with cheap and accessible materials. We seek engagement through this creative and educational activity, aiming to awaken curiosity, learning and active participation in the exploration of these fields.
The use of robotics to collect scientific data on rocket flights was a great advance for the groups of students involved, who now, in addition to the visual aspects of performance, had mathematical and physical information in making decisions about the best models and prototypes of rockets and their structural parts.
We carried out a bibliographical review of academic sources, books, scientific articles and materials related to the construction of PET bottle rockets and scientific propaganda. Analyze previous studies on the effectiveness of building PET bottle rockets as a scientific learning tool. Investigate scientific propaganda campaigns in Brazil and their impact on the dissemination of PET bottle rocket projects.
The work is based on the safety standards and rules of the Brazilian Rocket Show (MOBFOG). MOBFOG is an Olympics that involves launching PET bottle rockets as far as possible.
We used two MICROBIT modules in our launches, one being a signal transmitter that was inside the rocket and the other as a signal receiver collecting data and storing data in the computer. This was done to check, through the accelerometer sensor, the best relationship between water content/air pressure for launch.
The programming used allowed evaluating the variation in the rocket's acceleration in the 3 axes, collecting important data to observe the flight parabola in addition to exit and fall speed.
From the development of school rockets and the application of robotics, our students had the opportunity to participate in scientific knowledge Olympiads.
This brought a true revolution in the development of the subjects of Science and Technological Education. Following the scientific methodology, the groups carried out research, development of prototypes, field tests, with data collection carried out by Arduino UNO that allowed mathematical and physical analyzes that resulted in the development of a more effective rocket.
The students qualified for the Jornada de Foguetes, the largest scientific event in the area in Brazil.
After days of competition, they returned as champions of the Journey, with the aim of sharing and transmitting the knowledge acquired with our partner state schools who had never had contact with this experience of launching scientific rockets.
To this end, they organized practical workshops to be held in state public schools close to our school, promoting scientific dissemination and experiencing the democratization of teaching and the exchange of experiences between students.
The beauty of our project was the exchange of experiences carried out between schools in practical workshops organized by our students, which allowed more children access to this type of technological scientific activity that their schools did not have. Everyone benefits from the exchange of experiences and diversity of thoughts.
Students had the opportunity to contribute positively and participate responsibly, enabling them to contribute to their community in a socially responsible way and valuing ethics, socio-emotional values ​​and especially empathy.

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For presentation, the project was divided into six parts:
First part: Theoretical basis on the project and brief reflection on the importance of STEAM projects and the valorization of technology and socio-emotional values. (5 minutes)
Second part: Photos that represent each of the project's production stages, starting in our maker room, demonstrating the research and construction of prototypes resulting in different types of rockets. (5 minutes)
Third part: the programming process and the challenge of installing the Arduino UNO or MicroBit in rockets, to promote the collection of data on the trajectory of different types of rockets, combining technology with learning (5 minutes)
Fourth part: Photos of the launches and results of our final prototype, with the participation of our students in the Jornada dos Foguetes, valuing human relationships and the exchange of experiences between students, in addition to celebrating the excellent results obtained. (5 minutes)
Fifth part: Structuring and carrying out teaching workshops in partner schools. (5 minutes)
Sixth part: Photos illustrating the final result obtained with students from partner schools who carried out their launches and thus participated for the first time in a scientific event.(5 minutes)
In this way, telling a story of the project developed, illustrating each of the steps developed by the students.

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Supporting research

DUARTE, M. 19 anos da tragédia em Alcântara: um foguete brasileiro explodiu e matou 21. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 ago. 2023.

UNIVERSIDADE DE CAXIAS DO SUL. Tutorial de Montagem de Foguete. Disponível em:
Acesso em: 21 jun. 2023.

PALMERIO, Ariovaldo Felix. INTRODUÇÃO À TECNOLOGIA DE FOGUETES. [S. l.: s. n.], 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 set. 2023.

SILVA, Samuel Victor Bernardo da; ALMEIDA, Isaque Francisco Santos de; MACIEL, Millena Brandão; SILVA, Renato Xavier Alves da. UTILIZAÇÃO DOS LANÇAMENTOS DE FOGUETES ARTESANAIS COMO METODOLOGIA DE ENSINO DE FÍSICA. CONEDU - VII Congresso Nacional de Educação, [s. l.], 16 out. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 set. 2023.

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Session specifications

Maker activities and programs
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Teachers, Teacher education/higher ed faculty
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
Subject area:
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community.
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.
Knowledge Constructor
  • Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
The submitter of this session has been supported by a company whose product is being included in the session