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Exploring Scratch and AI: Pitfalls and Possibilities

Colorado Convention Center, Innovation Arcade: AI Exploration Lab B, Table 1

Innovation arcade: Exploration lab
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Senior Creative Learning Manager
Scratch Foundation
Jacy is the Senior Creative Learning Manager for the Scratch Foundation. She develops programs, resources, and events that increase awareness and understanding of equitable creative coding for families, schools, and organizations around the world.
Scratch Learning Resource Designer
Maren discovered her love of computer science after years working as a managing editor at Random House. No matter the job, Maren often found herself creating training manuals, filming instructional videos, and thinking a lot about how to empower her learning audience with tools they needed for success. Now, combining her twin passions for education and coding, Maren works as a Scratch Learning Resource Designer, developing creative learning resources and engagement experiences for Scratchers and educators. As a lifelong learner, Maren embraces the 4P’s (Projects, Passions, Peers, Play) and can often be found tinkering on anything and solving coding mysteries.

Session description

Explore the possibilities and pitfalls of AI using Scratch Lab's experimental blocks to create games, interactive stories and accessible projects. Participants will integrate generative AI image and text-based assets into their design process. A critical discussion of limitations and opportunities presented through these emerging technologies will be facilitated.

Purpose & objective

Explore the possibilities and pitfalls of AI using Scratch Lab's experimental blocks to create games, interactive stories, and accessible projects.
- Understand the basic definitions of AI, predictive AI, and generative AI
- Gain hands-on experience using predictive AI via Face Sensing with Scratch Lab
- Reflect on ways AI can be integrated into activities in support of creative learning and discuss generative AI integration with Scratch
- Remix and/or adapt starter projects and test the limits of the AI by trying to fool it and see what faces aren't seen (false negatives) and what non-human faces are recognized (false positives)

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Session Introduction [10 minutes]
- Introduce facilitators
- Creative learning warm up: interactive activity based on the “See, Think, Wonder” protocol
- Share Creative Learning Framework - Creative Learning Spiral & 4Ps of Creative Learning (Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play)
- Share session objectives

Mind the Gaps [5 minutes]
- Interactive discussion related to deepening confidence as Artificial Intelligence (AI) creators using (a) starter poll, (b) sticky note idea generation, and (c) identifying shared takeaways
- Ideas to be surfaced relate to: AI in everyday life, experience creating with AI, gaps in understanding the technology, value of integrating AI into classroom learning.

Dupe the Machine [20 minutes]
- The majority of the session will focus on hands-on experimentation with Scratch Lab’s Face Sensing blocks with participants using their own devices.
- Facilitators will begin with an introductory demo and invite participants to explore the edges of the technology by creating a project with the following prompts: What does the system perceive as a face?
Can you fool it? What limitations can you find? Does it see a simple drawing of a face as a face? What about animal faces?

Create-Along [10 minutes]
- Facilitators will lead a collaborative create-along using a freely accessible AI text and image generation platform (Bing Chat).
- Participants will be asked to share their experiences using generative AI for creative learning or creative coding via sticky note idea generation.
- Facilitators will share examples of interdisciplinary educator-developed lessons using AI text and image generation to brainstorm new project ideas, original characters, support with debugging code, and help develop intelligent non-player characters (NPCs).
- Lesson links will be included in the associated session Educator Guide.

Closing [10 minutes]
The closing segment will focus on participants reflecting on their workshop experience both as learners and as educators.
- Facilitators will prompt peer-to-peer turn and talk discussion with the following questions: What are your key takeaways from exploring the integration of AI and block based programming? How might you adapt these activities for your learners? Are there any risks or roadblocks to using AI with students?

- Facilitators will share discussion prompts for classroom discourse, persuasive writing, or debate based on questions of the pitfalls and possibilities of AI, including but not limited to: What are the ethical implications of what facial recognition software sees and can’t see? What if you don’t want to be seen? Can AI technology help make humans more intelligent? More creative?

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Supporting research

The core research, documentation, and websites we have used to design this workshop are remixed or adapted from the following sources:

"AI and Creative Learning: Concerns, Opportunities, and Choices," blog post by Mitch Resnick

"Exploring a Creative, Safe Introduction to Machine Learning," blog post by Eric Rosenbaum

"Inside Scratch Lab: AI Image Generation," blog post by Eric Rosenbaum

The RAISE Playground
The RAISE Playground is a block-based programming platform that we developed to support hands-on learning about AI and robotics for students and beginning programmers.

MIT AI Ethics Education Curriculum
A set of activities, teacher guides, assessments, materials, and more to assist educators in teaching about the ethics of artificial intelligence.

Teachable Machine
Teachable Machine is a web-based tool that makes creating machine learning models fast, easy, and accessible to everyone.

Face Sensing with Scratch Lab
A hands-on activity from Digital Moment, with a focus on sparking “curiosity about how computers recognize patterns in the era of AI and how we can work with intelligent machines to amplify our own creations.”

AI and Scratch coding with FabLab Onaki
FabLab Onaki is the first indigenous Fablab in Canada, established by The First Peoples Innovation Centre (FPIC), they offer training for Indigenous youth and young adults in digital technologies. This video chronicles in-person and virtual workshops in which participants explored Artificial Intelligence with a coding focus.

Introduction to Machine Learning and AI
A course developed by the National Center for Computing Education developed for CS teachers to “discover the fundamentals of machine learning, how it works, and learn to train your own AI using free online tools.”

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Session specifications

Artificial Intelligence
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Technology coordinators/facilitators, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices required
Attendee device specification:
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Participants should bring a WIFI enabled laptop (Mac, Chromebook, or PC) with a built in webcam. We will access the Scratch Lab website, which does not require any download or login.
Subject area:
Computer science, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency.
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
Creative Communicator
  • Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.