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Storytelling Done Digitally to Showcase Student Voice, Views and Perspectives

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom 3AB

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Digital Media Producer
A mentor, video editor, and content creator, Jaysen Bass, a recent graduate of Boston College, brings his expertise in storytelling and technical prowess in media to the FableVision/Reynolds TLC team as the digital media producer. While at Boston College, Jaysen was awarded the Digital Media Field Production Best Editor Award and second place in the Leonard Persuasive Speaking Contest. He also honed his leadership and creative problem solving skills as president of Writer’s Circle. He graduated with a B.A. Communication, Minor in Sociology and a heart for community.
Middle School Science, LA, STEAM
Stikine Middle School
Laura Davies is a middle school science, language arts, and STEAM teacher in Wrangell, Alaska. She grew up in Ontario, Canada but has lived in Alaska for 20 years. This is her 17th year teaching in Wrangell. She loves running with students and is the middle school cross-country coach. She runs a year-long after-school club that provides students an opportunity to create documentaries and podcasts. She is an active board member of the Alaska Society for Technology in Education and the Alaska Science Teachers Association. She is an HP Teaching Fellow.
Author | Speaker | Consultant
Jaime Donally is an emerging technology enthusiast. She began her career as a math teacher and later moved into instructional technology. Her desire to build relationships has created opportunities to collaborate with students and educators around the world. She provides staff development and training on immersive technology as an edtech consultant, and her latest adventures include Global Maker Day and #ARVRinEDU events. She’s also an author and speaker on the practical use of augmented reality and virtual reality in the classroom.
Author, Speaker, Consultant
Michael Hernandez Consulting
Michael is an award-winning teacher and international speaker whose work focuses on digital and civic literacy, storytelling, project-based learning, and social justice. His book about authentic learning, “Storytelling With Purpose,” rethinks how we teach and learn by embracing student curiosity as a way to bring purpose and joy back to learning. His newsletter, podcast, and published articles help educators and policy makers embrace innovation in education. He is an Apple Distinguished Educator, and National Geographic Grosvenor Teacher Fellow. Follow him on X/Twitter: @cinehead and Instagram: @changing.the.narrative
Professional Development. Gifted Ed, Tech Integration, Regular Ed
Minot, ND
Julie Jaeger, PD Coach/Consultant, Veteran Elem-MS educator, Tech Integrator, and Gifted Instructor, enjoys bringing "a-ha" moments and higher order thinking via Tech Integration, Differentiated Instruction, Digital StoryTelling, and Curriculum Enrichment using Critical Creative Thinking, Problem Solving, and Questioning. Authored "I-imagine Dares Students to be Their Best Selves" (ISTE Learning and Leading, June/July 2013) and received the 2016 Digital StoryTelling Creativity Leadership Award. Currently ISTE Community Leader and ND Association for Gifted Children Board member. Former Chair of the ISTE Digital StoryTelling Network. Holds an MS in Education with Technology Integration and Credential in Gifted Education.
Director of Innovative Solutions
FableVision Learning
@Allie Joyner
Allie Joyner, Director of Innovative Solutions Allie radiates a passion for life. With over 15 years of experience in K-12 education, she champions creativity, joy, and empowerment for learners and educators. Her background in instructional technology, bilingual education, and curriculum design has been instrumental in creating innovative learning experiences for ALL. Her journey took a fortuitous turn when she heard Peter H. Reynolds' speech at the famous Riverside Church in New York City in 2019. Since then, Allie's journey has been a series of interconnected "Dots," leading her to The FableVision Learning Team.
Director of Customer Success, Enablement
Ryan is an experienced educator in both formal and informal learning environments who now works as the Director of Customer Success for WeVideo. With over a decade of experience in education, Ryan has focused primarily on instructional design and teaching and learning strategies that apply in STEM-rich and maker centered learning environments. Recently, Ryan has applied his work in STEM to digital storytelling in his effort to further the concepts of using video as a pedagogy. Ryan is a certified maker educator and holds a Masters Degree in Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning with educational technologies from Sonoma State University.
Retired Educator
ISTE Certified Educator
As a 30-year veteran Instructional Technology/STEM-CTE Teacher from Aurora Public Schools in Aurora, Colorado. Teaching CTE-STEM classes in computer science, robotics, video production, Design and Marketing. Teaching in a K-8 has gave me opportunity to create a CTE pathway based on work-based learning skills students. Engaging curious, creative learners, and problem solvers. I enjoy working with educators to build their passion and understanding of Technology Integration to engage students. I am an ISTE Certified Educator, and an InnEdCO Ambassador and have presented at ISTE since 2010 and Colorado’s ISTE Affiliate InnEdCO since 2007.
Script Supervisor/Production Manager
PiePie Productions
Teacher, Author, Speaker
James Workman Middle School
As a middle school teacher for 19 years and a California Teacher of the Year (2014), Jessica has continually worked to redefine what learning looks like in her classroom. Jessica is the author of "Moviemaking in the Classroom" published by ISTE. As an Adobe Innovator, she is an advocate for student choice and voice, as demonstrated by the original content her students regularly publish for a global audience. Jessica is also an ISTE Community Leader who co-hosts two podcasts: The Edge ISTE Community Leader podcast and Storytelling Saves the World. #AI #Storytelling #UDL
BJP Consulting
FableVision/Reynolds Center TLC
Paul Reynolds is CEO of Boston-based FableVision, which develops edtech/media, mobile games and apps, and Executive Director of the non-profit Reynolds Center for Teaching, Learning & Creativity (,) which supports teacher and student creativity with a focus on scalable, constructionist and maker education tools and CTE pathways. Along with teaching digital media & storytelling at Boston College for over two decades, he is also an award-winning children's book author who collaborates with his twin brother and New York Times #1 Best-Selling Author/Illustrator, Peter H. Reynolds.
Instructional Technology Coach
Charles J. Colgan, Sr. High School/PWCS
Shana Sabourin is an Instructional Technology Coach with an instructional background in Secondary/English Language Arts. She has been in the education profession for nineteen years. Her focus is on increasing teacher familiarity and comfortability with technological tools that help to prepare our scholars for life as productive digital citizens outside of the classroom.
Educational Consultant
Creative Classroom Consulting
Georgia Terlaje has taught for 35 years and is currently and instructional coach for Palm Springs Unified. She has used digital storytelling as an instructional strategy for 12 years and has presented on the topic at both regional and national conferences. She was also instrumental in creating PSUSD’s first elementary film festival. Georgia was also a teacher-consultant for DIGICOM Learning. In this role, she was a lead instructor for professional development courses for teachers in the area of digital storytelling. Georgia has a digital storytelling podcast, “Storytelling Saves the World” and is part of the "ISTE Edge" podcast.
Student Success Coordinator
Charles J. Colgan High School
Mr. Billy is the technology coach at Colgan HS.His career began as a special education teacher at PACE West School, followed as the instructional technology coach at Ellis Elementary School, and opened Colgan High School, a school with a fine and performing arts specialty program. Mr. Watts is passionate about mentoring students to build healthy relationships, developing student voice through digital communication, and working with educators to connect the classroom to impact in the outside world. He is a giant AV nerd and does a decent Cookie Monster impression.

Session description

Discover and explore creative genres of Storytelling done Digitally. Numerous curricular applications will be reviewed and examples shared. We'll break into guided work groups to dig deeper and experience the design process with ISTE leaders in Movie-making, Podcasts, Docudramas, PSA’s, Book Trailers, Publishing, Photo Stories, Assessment, AR/VR, etc.

Purpose & objective

Storytelling Done Digitally to Showcase Student Voice, Views and Perspectives
Join this opportunity to work one to one with leaders in the process of creating stories digitally. Become familiar with multiple genre and content applications of Digital StoryTelling, Discover and explore creative genres of Storytelling done Digitally.
See full descriptions of presentation listed below at

Words Have Power: Great Narrative Movie Making Projects Jessica Pack and Georgia Telaje

Using Explainer Videos for Assessment Michael Hernandez
AR Books and VR Stories Jaime Donally

Podcasts to Reshape Student Voice Billy Watts and Shana Sabourin
Power of Storyboarding to Translate Text to Production Roe Moore

Student Created Documentaries Laura Davies

Harvesting Stories: Make Your Mark! Paul Reynolds

Connecting through Creativity and Language: How We Can Enhance Our Multilingual Learners' Experiences Allie Joyner

Combining Coding and Digital Stories: Multimodal Storytelling to Cultivate Youth Voice, Choice, and Agency Ryan Kochevar

Voice Acting - Delivering StoryTelling Voices Bernajean Porter

Forum Coordinators Julie Jaeger will guide you through the Gallery Walk and be available to discuss the activities listed below.

Gallery Walk: Getting Started With StoryTelling and Easy to Implement Intro Activities

Circle of Knowledge: Using Multiple Points of View to Tell the Story Gwynn Moore

Persuasive StoryTelling: Elevate Student Voice in 6 Word Stories, Public Service Announcements,
Book Trailers, and More Julie Jaeger

• Elements of good storytelling will be woven in throughout the session and pointed out within each area.
• Introduce and share information and examples of each genre
•Show how the process can be done in many different formats allowing the process to work with whatever technology is available. Special attention will be on formats that are free to use and accessible on multiple devices to make the process equitable and available to any group of learners.
• Provide participants time to explore and dig deeper into areas of interest with ISTE leaders.
• Provide Resources lists, Teacher Guides and Planning templates will for each genre discussed.
• Participants will leave with numerous cross curricular applications and access to multiple resources and information to help them get started with the process.

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We will begin with an Introduction of Topic, Presenter and Agenda/Process and access to session resources. Attendees will then move to topics of their choice to engage in conversations and learn from our amazing presenters.

Topics will include a variety of Genre and Formats for Digital StoryTelling such as: Movie Making, Podcast, Docudramas, StoryBoarding, Book Trailers and PSA, AR/VR, and more. Some topics will be determined based on the experts available to present.

Depending on whether or not it is a 2 hr or 3 hr Forum, participants may not see all presentations but will work with at least 4 presenters and go through their interactive sessions.

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Supporting research

Bernajean Porter: The Art of Digital StoryTelling "Digital Storytelling Across the Curriculum | Creative Educator." 2008. 27 Sep. 2015
The Power of Digital Storytelling to Support Teaching and Learning, Bernard R. Robin, University of Houston, USA, Digital Education Review - Number 30, December 2016-
Educational Uses of Digital StoryTelling, Bernard Robin, Ph.D.. University of Houston, College of Education
The Power of Storytelling and How it Affects Your Brain, by Micheal Heffernen, Feb 23, 2017,
Ohler, Jason B. Digital storytelling in the classroom: New media pathways to literacy, learning, and creativity. Corwin Press, 2013 Sessoms, Diallo, “Stories keep memories alive. Your life stories as well as your family’s stories about he most memorable life experiences are worth preserving.”
Paige Baggett: Educational Uses of Digital StoryTelling When students are engaged in the process of creating a digital story, they must synthesize a variety of literacy skills for hte authentic product: researching, writing, organizing, presenting, interviewing, problem-solvin, assessing, as well as employ8ing interpersonal and technology skills.
Merilee Sprenger: How to Teach so Students Remember Brain research shows us that learning needs connections, memories, something to stick to. Stories create memories and connections that influence memory. ....understanding of the brain structures that influence memory, and learn how teachers can promote better recall for daily classroom learning, high-stakes tests, and beyond.
Top three levels of Benjamin Blooms Taxonomy revised (Anderson, Krathwohl 2001) look at elevated thinking as analyzing, evaluating and creating which are essential parts of the decision making StoryBoard Phase of the Digital StoryTelling process. Use of verbs instead of nouns puts Blooms into action which is exactly what the Storyboard is...the action and planning behind the product.
Anderson/Krathwohl The Second Principal Krathwohl
A Revision of Blooms (Zak, Why Your Brain Loves a Good Story 2014)
Digital StoryTelling requires intention and meaning making. Understanding the essence of story and its ability to make meaning happen for all is at the heart of Digital StoryTelling. The media is not what is important...the story is!! “If you can harness imagination and the principles of a well-told story, then you get people rising to their feet amid thunderous applause instead of yawning and ignoring you.” (Harvard Business Review, Storytelling That Moves People, Fryer, 2003

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Session specifications

Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Curriculum/district specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: iOS, Windows, Android
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge or connections.
For Students:
Creative Communicator
  • Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.
  • Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
Related exhibitors:
WeVideo, Inc.