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Desmos: Beyond Math - Transforming Learning in All Subjects

Colorado Convention Center, 102/4/6

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Technology Facilitator
East Baton Rouge Parish Schools
With over 18 years of experience at East Baton Rouge Parish Schools, Nikki Washington has established herself as a skilled Technology Facilitator, bringing a wealth of expertise to the team. Her passion for Informational and Instructional Technology is evident in her work, and she is committed to helping EBRPSS become a leader in this field. Now serving as the Coordinator of Instructional Technology, Nikki is poised to drive the school district forward, leveraging the latest technological advances to enhance the learning experience for all students.

Session description

In this session, we'll explore Desmos, traditionally a math tool, revolutionizing learning in all subjects. Attendees will dive into real-world examples, discovering its applicability. We'll share practical strategies for interactive activities, enhancing understanding, irrespective of the subject, empowering educators to create engaging lessons.

Purpose & objective

Purpose: This presentation aims to empower educators to harness the full potential of Desmos, a versatile educational tool, beyond its traditional use in math. Participants will learn how to apply Desmos effectively in various subjects, revolutionizing their teaching methods.

Objectives - Participant Outcomes:

Subject Integration: Participants will understand how to integrate Desmos into diverse subjects, such as science, art, history, and more.

Interactive Learning: Educators will learn practical strategies for creating interactive lessons that engage students effectively, enhancing their understanding of subject matter.

Collaborative Teaching: Participants will discover how Desmos fosters collaboration among students and educators, promoting teamwork and peer-to-peer learning.

Assessment Enhancement: Attendees will explore how to use Desmos for formative assessment, providing valuable insights into student progress and learning outcomes.

Ready-to-Use Resources: Educators will gain access to a collection of ready-to-implement activities and lesson plans tailored for various subjects.

Educational Challenge:The challenge lies in maximizing the use of educational technology tools like Desmos across subjects, breaking the misconception that it's solely for math.

Technology Intervention:Desmos: An interactive online graphing calculator and learning platform.

Models Employed:The presentation follows a model of interactive demonstration, providing real-world examples of Desmos applications in diverse subjects.

Instructional Activities/Strategies: Participants will engage in hands-on activities, exploring Desmos to create subject-specific interactive content.
Discussion and Q&A sessions will facilitate peer learning and idea exchange.

Evidence of Success:
Success is measured by participants' ability to apply Desmos effectively in their teaching across subjects.
Anecdotal feedback from educators who have successfully integrated Desmos into their lessons.
Share examples of student work and projects created using Desmos.

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Content and Activities:

Introduction (5 minutes)Welcome and brief overview of Desmos.

Desmos Essentials (10 minutes)Exploring the key features and capabilities of Desmos.

Subject Integration (15 minutes)
Real-world examples of Desmos applications in science, art, history, and more.

Interactive Learning (10 minutes)
Demonstrating how to design interactive activities that engage students effectively.

Collaborative Teaching (5 minutes)
Highlighting Desmos' collaborative features for group work and peer-to-peer learning.

Assessment Enhancement (10 minutes)
Exploring Desmos for formative assessment and providing timely feedback.

Ready-to-Use Resources (5 minutes)
Sharing a curated collection of ready-to-implement activities and lesson plans.

Q&A and Discussion (5 minutes)
Encouraging participant engagement, questions, and idea sharing.

Conclusion and Next Steps (5 minutes)
Recap of key takeaways and guidance on applying Desmos in participants' classrooms.

Audience Engagement: Frequent interaction through polls, questions, and discussions.
Peer Learning: Encourage sharing of ideas and experiences among participants.
Device-Based Activities: Encourage participants to explore Desmos on their devices during the session.
Real-world Examples: Showcasing Desmos applications through case studies and examples.
Practical Application: Providing participants with opportunities to create sample Desmos-based activities.

Q&A and Discussion: Allocate time for questions and participant insights.
The presentation is designed to actively engage participants, enabling them to explore Desmos, understand its applications in various subjects, and leave with practical strategies for immediate implementation in their teaching.

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Supporting research

Desmos Official Website:

The official website provides comprehensive information on Desmos' capabilities and its applications in education.
"Desmos in the Classroom" by Cathy Yenca: Blog Article

This article by Cathy Yenca, a recognized expert in Desmos integration, offers insights into using Desmos effectively in math classrooms.
"Technology for Teaching" by Dr. Pooja Agarwal: Book

Dr. Pooja Agarwal's book explores the use of technology tools like Desmos to enhance teaching and learning.
"The Power of Visuals: Unlocking Desmos for All" by Kyle Pearce: Blog Article

This article by Kyle Pearce, a leading educator in mathematics, highlights the visual power of Desmos in math education.
"The Role of Desmos in a Blended Classroom" by Matt Miller: Blog Article

Matt Miller's article discusses how Desmos can be integrated into a blended learning environment.

These resources provide valuable insights, practical examples, and expert perspectives on the use of Desmos in education, supporting the importance of the session topic and its practical application in diverse subject areas.

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Session specifications

Personalized learning
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Teachers, Teacher education/higher ed faculty
Attendee devices:
Devices required
Attendee device specification:
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Google Chrome
Create Desmos Account(The account is FREE)
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
  • Foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both independent and group settings.
  • Provide alternative ways for students to demonstrate competency and reflect on their learning using technology.