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Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 25

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Coordinator of Libraries
I am Rebecca Calderon, Coordinator of Libraries for the Ysleta Independent School District, with 26 years of experience as an educator and leader. As an educator, my focus has been on literacy of all kinds. Being a reader is the key to growing, leading, and, most importantly, self-led learning. Supporting library leaders is my passion and, my belief is that schools with strong libraries will produce adults who will learn to lead and raise readers. The cycle of success begins in the library.

Session description

Does your district have a digital library? How can I bulk up my digital collection when I have a limited budget to work with? Join this session to learn 3 ways to improve your digital collection without breaking the bank.

Purpose & objective

This session will provide the framework to begin a digital library or improve an existing one. If you have been hesitant to promote a digital library, this session will help you become more comfortable with purchasing content and curating a collection that will support learning for all students.

Learn how applications such as Sora, MackinVia, Open Ebook, and others can help increase student and teacher access to books. MackinVia consortiums make it possible for small districts to pool their resources in order to make a wide range of books available to learners. Open Ebook is a free resource that provides popular ebooks on any device browser to students from kindergarten to high school. If you are looking for something that can filter content with more management functions, Sora is for you. Pool content from various libraries to make the most of small budgets. You will also learn how you can partner with your public library to increase content in your collection without needing a big budget to do it.
Learn how pairing audiobooks and physical books can support readers, and give additional support to those learning English. Promote family literacy and support for parents who are able to
Digital libraries support all literacy objectives.
Discover the ways digital libraries can support all learners.
Student devices of all types can support digital library content.
Learn how to start a digital library with a limited budget.

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• Learn about ebooks, audiobooks, hybred and other digital content. (15 min.)
• Locate areas of free and lowcost digital resources (20 min.)
* learn about public libraries with free access to digital content
* Register with Sora to view content
• How to partner with public libraries to increase access to digital content (10 min.)
* web based resources that will guide them through the process to work with their public library
• How to use digital content in libraries and classrooms to improve student access and promote inquiry. (10 min.)
• Questions and comments (5 min.)

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Supporting research

Bass, William and Shannon McClintock Miller, "Leading from the Library: Help Your School Community Thrive in the Digital Age." 2019

Schu, John, "The Gift of Story: Esploring the Affective Side of the Reading Life" 2022

Moss, Barbara and Terrell A. Young, "Independent Reading: Creating Lifelong Readers."

More [+]

Session specifications

Grade level:
Skill level:
Library media specialists, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Subject area:
Language arts
ISTE Standards:
For Coaches:
Change Agent
  • Facilitate equitable use of digital learning tools and content that meet the needs of each learner.
For Education Leaders:
Equity and Citizenship Advocate
  • Ensure all students have skilled teachers who actively use technology to meet student learning needs.
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