Participants will gain a deeper understanding on all the following:
- Why going beyond the acquisition of devices is essential to support student learning
- How technology is only one essential part of the learner experience equation and what steps to take in order to ensure each learner is seen and heard
- How to develop an acute awareness of habits of mind and cultural norms that may lead to the predictability of learner outcomes
- What methodologies and practices can be implemented to ensure digital equity throughout a school and district
- How to design a comprehensive professional development plan that ensures the educator workforce is level set to close the school/district digital divide
- Ways to implement, adjust to, and adopt emerging technologies that dismantle barriers to opportunity for all learners in a school/district
- Strategies to assess and reassess progress in both qualitative and quantitative measures
I. Make students visible in your Student Information and Student Learning Management Systems (15 minutes
Small steps that help students to feel seen in the classroom
Developing equitable practices in your grading work
Empowering students to be in control of their learning
II. Understand the difference between Equity and Equality before you purchase devices (10 minutes)
Equity pitfalls of technology decision making
Equity decisions in our financial decision making
Power of differentiated technology
III. Deep Dive Participation–Using different communication modes to connect with different families (15 minutes)
Research on Communication with Families
Connecting with families who don’t speak English as their first language
Helping PTO and other groups to buy into differentiated communication
IV. Differentiate Your Assessments (10 minutes)
UDL and Equity
Rewarding improvement
Retakes and technology
V. Digital Safety and Hate Speech (10 minutes)
Deep Dive in to Hate Speech
Empowering students to become Upstanders
H. Turner and K. Lopes. Change The Narrative: How to Foster an Antiracist Culture in Your School
Joe Feldman. Grading for Equity: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms
Zaretta Hammond and Yvette Jackson. Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students.
Sarah Becker and Crystal Paul. "It Didn't Seem Like Race Mattered": Exploring the Implications of Service-learning Pedagogy for Reproducing or Challenging Color-blind Racism
R. Richard Banks, Jennifer L. Eberhardt and Lee Ross. "Discrimination and Implicit Bias in a Racially Unequal Society"
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva. Racism WIthout Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America
Watters, A. "To have and to have not: When it comes to the latest technology,
some schools are more equal than others."
Ibram Kendi. How to Be and Antiracist.
Sánchez, P. & Salazar, M. "Transnational computer use in urban Latino
immigrant communities: Implications for schooling".