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From Low-Performance to State-Leaders: How Formative Assessment Rewrote Our Story

Colorado Convention Center, 207

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Coordinator of Instructional Technology
Hamilton County Schools
Listed as one of EdTech Magazine’s K-12 IT influencers for 2020, Greg is currently the Coordinator of Instructional Technology for the Hamilton County Schools in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In this position, Greg works with schools that are 1:1, assisting them in integrating the technology into their curriculum. He also serves as a Professional Learning Specialist for the Northwest Council for Computer Education (NCCE) and Apple (Contract), where he trains nationwide districts on technology tools and leadership. Most recently, he was a part of the technical working group that helped produce the 2024 National Education Technology Plan.
Instructional Coach
Hamilton County Schools
Cindy is a lifelong learner. She has spent most of her career at Chattanooga School for the Liberal Arts (CSLA) in Hamilton County, TN. It is a K-12 public school that follows the Paideia philosophy. The school recently earned accreditation from the National Paideia Center as a Paideia School for Creative Thinking. After teaching both elementary and middle school for many years, she transitioned to the role of Instructional Coach in 2006. She is a member of the National Paideia Faculty.

Session description

Data has been an educational buzzword for years. Meet a district that embraced formative assessment and data analysis to transform itself from a Level 1 to a Level 5 on state accountability measures in just a few years. Learn the strategies that completely changed the district’s teaching and learning trajectory.

Purpose & objective

The objective of this presentation is to explain how the district moves from level 1s and achievement and growth to level 5s which is the highest for the state. This made us the fastest-improving district in the state of Tennessee. The presentation will explain how the use of Mastery Connect, Mastery View Predictive Assessments, Mastery Item Banks, and Canvas were placed together through formative and summative assessments that led to the growth. You will explain how these assessments led to assessments for teaching not just assessments for final grades.

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Introduction (5 minutes)
Welcome and Introductions (2 minutes)
- Brief overview of the presentation
- Introduction of the presenter/speaker
- Context: Explanation of the Level 1 to Level 5 on state accountability measures

Setting the Scene (3 minutes)
- Brief description of the district’s initial status and challenges
- Overview of state accountability measures and what Level 1 to 5 signify

Part I: Embracing Formative Assessment and Data Analysis (15 minutes)
Journey to Transformation (5 minutes)
- High-level overview of the transformation journey
- Sharing key milestones, with a focus on the adoption of formative assessments and data analysis

Strategies for Change(10 minutes)
- Detailed breakdown of strategies implemented
- Real-life examples and anecdotes from the district’s experience
- Interactive Q&A to engage the audience

Part II: Mastery Connect and Other Tools (15 minutes)
Overview of Tools Used (5 minutes)
- Introduction to Mastery Connect, Mastery View Predictive Assessments, Mastery Item Banks, and Canvas
- Explanation of how these tools helped in administering formative and summative assessments

Correlation to State Test (10 minutes)
- In-depth explanation of how these tools correlated to the state test
- Presentation of data illustrating the correlation
- Discussion on the improvements seen in state test results due to these tools

Part III: Teaching Assessments vs. Final Grade Assessments (10 minutes)
Shifting the Focus (5 minutes)
- Explanation of the transition from assessments for final grades to assessments for teaching
- Discussion on the benefits of this transition in terms of teaching quality and student learning

Impact on Teaching and Learning (5 minutes)
- Presentation of specific examples demonstrating the positive impact on teaching and learning
- Sharing feedback from teachers and students on the new assessment approach

Conclusion and Q&A (10 minutes)
Summarizing Key Takeaways (3 minutes)
- Recapitulation of key points discussed during the presentation
- Emphasis on the growth and improvements achieved by the district

Q&A Session (7 minutes)
- Open the floor to questions from the audience
- Provide concise and informative answers

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Supporting research

Predictive Power of School Based Assessment Scores on Students' Achievement in Junior Secondary Certificate Examination (JSCE) in English and Mathematics

The State of Assessment in K-12 Education: Study & Trends

Mastery Connect: ESSA Level IV Logic Model

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Session specifications

Assessment/evaluations/use of data
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Curriculum/district specialists, Principals/head teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
ISTE Standards:
For Coaches:
Change Agent
  • Create a shared vision and culture for using technology to learn and accelerate transformation through the coaching process.
For Education Leaders:
Empowering Leader
  • Support educators in using technology to advance learning that meets the diverse learning, cultural, and social-emotional needs of individual students.
For Educators:
  • Shape, advance and accelerate a shared vision for empowered learning with technology by engaging with education stakeholders.
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