Event Information
Below are some of the most common questions we receive from exhibitors. If you can’t find the information you need below, please contact Exhibit Management at 541.346.3537 or exhibits@ascd.org or exhibits@ascd.org.
Current contracted exhibitors may log in to the Exhibitor Services Portal for the most up-to-date information on services and ordering options throughout the conference cycle.
If you’re a confirmed exhibitor, your login credentials were sent to you via email in your booth reservation acknowledgment. If you have trouble locating the information, please .
The newly co-located event and combined expo will feature a rich program and exhibit hall to support the ASCD Annual and ISTELive audiences, and we expect both demographic groups to have strong representation. You’ll now find key edtech decision makers and system and instructional leaders in one place. Full demographics for the events are available here. The expo will be a blended experience, shared across both events. This will allow companies to most efficiently capture maximum value of the combined audiences within a single exhibiting experience.
The ISTE Conference & Expo attracts thousands of attendees from around the world, the majority of whom are leaders and key influencers for edtech purchases. Titles include administrators, technology coordinators, curriculum directors and library media specialists. For more detailed profiles, please visit our demographics.
The ASCD Annual Conference draws dedicated and experienced educators, practitioners, and administrators involved in every aspect of education. Please visit our demographics page for more details.
We are expecting 450 exhibiting companies.
The expo hall main entrance is Hall 3 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio. The expo will be in Halls 2-4.
The expo hall hours are:
Monday, June 30, 9:30 a.m.‐5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, July 1, 9:30 a.m.‐5 p.m.
Wednesday, July 2, 9:30 a.m.‐2:30 p.m.
Yes. The Call for Proposals for the majority of session content will be open during the month of September. The selection process is highly competitive. Proposals should be of the highest caliber, reflect current educational trends and topics and demonstrate relevance to the educational community. Proposals should not be product promotions or sales pitches.
For further questions about presenting opportunities, please contact: conf-program@ascd.org or presenters@ascd.org
Everything included in your booth package is listed under booth pricing. Additional furnishings and services can be purchased through the exhibitor manual, which includes detailed information on exhibitor activities, important expo guidelines, shipping, utilities and special services, and other exposition logistics. All contracted exhibitors have access to the exhibitor manual, available in April 2025, online through the Exhibitor Services Portal.
Please consult line item 3 in the ISTELive 25 and ASCD Annual 25 expo rules and regulations and our Set-up Guidelines page for more information.
Decorations such as balloons, hanging signs and banners are subject to approval. Please refer to the expo rules and regulations for a detailed description of the rules, regulations and liabilities governing the ISTELive 25 and ASCD Annual 25 Expo.
All hanging signs and specialty booth designs require written approval from .
Peninsula exhibits: These face three aisles. This type of exhibit must limit the length of the back wall to one-half the width of the space (centered), and the back wall and any other display item must not be more than 8' in height. A booth design must be submitted to Exhibit Management for approval prior to move-in onsite.
If you have any questions about your booth design or approvals you think you will need to ensure successful booth installation onsite, please contact .
To support the transition to the blended expo, first-time exhibitors and companies that have exhibited previously at the ASCD Annual Conference can reserve display space in a new area offering 5'x10' booths.
The exhibit space pricing structure is the same for every company, regardless of tax status or affiliation. Booth pricing can be found here.
Our expo floor is about learning. That means we do not permit selling, price posting, or order taking on the exhibit floor itself. Booths are learning spaces for demos, sessions, and community engagement around products.
Invoices and W-9 forms are available in the Exhibitor Services Portal under “Accounting services.”
We cannot accept credit card payments over the phone. For your security, we never store credit card information. You can make a secure credit card payment at any time by logging in to the Exhibitor Services Portal and selecting “pay account balance.”
You may also pay by check. Make checks payable to ISTELive and ASCD Annual 25 and send to:
ISTELive 25 and ASCD Annual 25
Exhibit Management
1277 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1277
You can update your company's contact information, organization description or product/service categories through the Exhibitor Services Portal under “Manage your profile.”
Changes to your company name must be submitted in an email to .
Each exhibiting organization receives seven (7) complimentary booth staff (exhibitor) badges per 10' x 10' booth space reserved or four (4) complimentary booth staff (exhibitor) badges per 5’ x 10’ booth space. Badges beyond this complimentary limit will be assessed a fee of $50 per badge and will be billed after the conference.
Booth staff (exhibitor) badges do not permit access to keynotes, the opening social, sessions, workshops or other ticketed activities. Booth staff (exhibitor) badges permit access to the expo hall only.
Please note: Organization contacts are not automatically registered as booth staff for the event. Booth staff registration will be available in the spring through the Exhibitor Services Portal.
Complimentary, full-conference registrations for each contracted company based on size of booth on the following schedule:
Special exhibitor discounted pricing on additional full-conference registrations purchased (beyond the complimentary allotment).
Complimentary full-conference basic registration will be available in the spring through the Exhibitor Services Portal.
For more information about the ISTELive 25 and ASCD Annual 25 co-location, please visit our Future Years FAQs page.