Rules, Regulations, and Policies

This page offers a collection of all rules, regulations and policies pertaining to the expo. It is your organization's responsibility to ensure that it and all employees adhere to all regulations associated with your method of participation. Please pay special attention to the Code of Conduct.

Email Exhibit Management with any questions regarding these policies.


General Exhibiting Rules and Set up Guidelines

The ISTELive 25 and ASCD Annual 25 Expo Rules and Regulations must be adhered to by all exhibitors.

Payments, Policies and Deadlines

For a full list of payment and cancellation policies, please visit the Exhibitor Services Portal.

Alcohol Policy

No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the expo hall at any time during ISTELive 25 and ASCD Annual 25. This policy includes all setup, show, dismantle or after/off hours.