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Exploring Cultural Competence and Cultural Humility: Understanding Our Identities and Challenging Stereotypes


ASCD Annual Content
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Session description

This workshop aims to provide participants with a deep understanding of cultural competence and cultural humility, focusing on the impact of their own cultural identities and the importance of challenging stereotypes. By exploring these concepts, participants will be equipped to engage in respectful and effective interactions across diverse cultural contexts.


Introduction and Icebreaker (10 minutes)

* Welcome and overview of workshop objectives.
* Icebreaker Guiding Question: How does ​culture affect how we ​interact with others?

Understanding Cultural Competence and Cultural Humility (10 minutes)

* Presentation on definitions, key concepts, and distinctions between cultural competence and cultural humility.
* Digital Cultural Competence Self-Evaluation Checklist.

Exploring Personal Cultural Identities (20 minutes)

* Small group discussions to share insights on personal cultural backgrounds and experiences related to cultural identities.
* Individual reflective goal setting tool.

Challenging Stereotypes (15 minutes)

Overview of common stereotypes and biases.
Interactive activities to identify and deconstruct stereotypes.

Conclusion and Q&A (5 minutes)

Recap of key takeaways and learning points.
Open floor for questions and final reflections.

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Supporting research

Daniel, A. J. (2016, November) Achieving Cultural Competency: an interview with Dr Annie Daniel. Harvard Macy Blog.​

Hughes-Hassell, S., Rawson, C. H., & Hirsh, K. (2019). Cultural Competence & Cultural Humility. In Hughes-Hassell, S., Rawson, C. H., & Hirsh, K. (Eds.), Project READY: Reimagining equity and access to diverse youth [online curriculum]. Retrieved from []

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Education Administrator
NYC Public Schools

Session specifications


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Cultural Competency




School Level Leadership, Teacher Development, District Level Leadership

Attendee devices:

Devices not needed


Cultivate Belonging, Ensure Equity