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From Skyscrapers to Prairies: Experiential Learning Adventures


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Session description

Whether the plains of North Dakota or the streets of NYC, it can be challenging to have students grasp the world’s vastness beyond their neighborhood. Join us on a meaningful journey where educators from different communities explore real-world experiential learning from virtual field trips to hands-on artifacts.


Introduction (5 minutes)
Fun Introductory Game: "Virtual Voyage" - Participants use Google Earth to virtually explore a mystery location, sparking curiosity and setting the stage for experiential learning.
Session Overview: Introduce the session's focus on leveraging experiential learning opportunities like virtual field trips, historical artifact interactions, and replica experiences to enhance student engagement and understanding in STEM and Civics.
ISTE Standards Alignment: Briefly highlight how the session's content and activities connect to the ISTE standards.
Content and Activities
Exploring the Power of Experiential Learning (5 minutes)
Interactive Presentation: Discuss the benefits of experiential learning for student engagement, knowledge retention, skill development, and cultural understanding.
Examples: Showcase examples of successful experiential learning implementations, highlighting the impact on student learning and achievement.
Virtual Field Trips: Expanding Classroom Walls (10 minutes)
Hands-on Activity: Participants explore virtual field trip platforms and resources, such as Google Expeditions and online museum tours, and brainstorm ways to integrate them into their curriculum.
Discussion: Share strategies for maximizing the learning potential of virtual field trips, including pre-trip activities, guided exploration, and post-trip reflections.
Historical Artifacts and Replicas: Bringing the Past to Life (10 minutes)
Interactive Presentation: Discuss the value of incorporating historical artifacts and replicas into the classroom to foster inquiry, critical thinking, and historical empathy.
Examples: Showcase examples of how educators have used artifacts and replicas to create engaging learning experiences, such as hands-on investigations and historical reenactments.
Designing STEM and Civic Challenges with Experiential Learning (20 minutes)
Hands-on Activity: Participants work in groups to design STEM or Civics challenges that incorporate experiential learning elements, such as virtual field trips, artifact interactions, or replica construction.
Discussion: Share and critique challenge ideas, focusing on alignment with standards, accessibility, and potential for student engagement.
Assessment and Reflection (5 minutes)
Interactive Presentation: Discuss strategies for assessing student learning in experiential settings and promoting reflection on the learning process.
Examples: Share examples of rubrics, self-assessment tools, and reflection prompts that can be used to evaluate student performance and growth.
Conclusion (5 minutes)
Key Takeaways: Summarize the key benefits and strategies for implementing experiential learning in STEM and Civics education.
Next Steps: Provide resources and suggestions for further exploration and implementation of experiential learning opportunities.
Feedback and Q&A: Invite participants to share their feedback and ask any remaining questions.
Engagement Tactics
Peer-to-Peer Interaction: Throughout the session, participants will engage in various activities and discussions that promote collaboration, sharing of ideas, and building of community.
Device-Based Activities: Participants will use their devices to access virtual field trips, explore historical artifacts and replicas online, and engage in interactive activities.
Games: The introductory game and other interactive elements will create a fun and engaging learning environment.
Hands-on Opportunities: Participants will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities, such as exploring virtual field trip platforms and designing challenges.
Multimedia Presentations: Presentations will incorporate visuals, videos, and interactive elements to enhance understanding and engagement.
By incorporating these content components, activities, and engagement tactics, the session will provide a comprehensive and interactive learning experience that empowers educators to effectively utilize experiential learning approaches, such as virtual field trips, historical artifacts, and rep

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Supporting research,Active%20Experimentation%20(AE)%3A%20doing

Virtual Field Trips and Impact on Learning, October 2021, Conference: Innovate Learning Summit At: Virtual, Authors: Anila Das

Piloting Virtual Field Trips During a Pandemic: Developing Curriculum, Lessons Learned, and Recommendations, Connected Science Learning March-April 2022 (Volume 4, Issue 2). By Tilly Duong, Melissa Telemeco, Charlotte Dean, and Alexandria Hansen

Announcements, Digital Learning: New round of seed grants to support design and research of virtual field trips, Sanford Accelerator for Learning, Friday, August 27th 2021

A case study of immersive virtual field trips in an elementary classroom: Students’ learning experience and teacher-student interaction behaviors, Computers & Education, Volume 140, October 2019, 103600, by Kun-Hung Cheng and Chin-Chung Tsai

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Director of School Pathways
NYC Public Schools
ISTE Certified Educator
Instructional Technology Coach and Consultant
Private Contractor
ISTE Certified Educator

Session specifications


Global Education, Collaboration and Perspectives



Grade level:



Curriculum Designer/Director, Teacher, Technology Coach/Trainer

Attendee devices:

Devices useful

Attendee device specification:

Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows

Participant accounts, software and other materials:

Discovery Education, National Geographic, Google Earth, Arts & Culture, Maps, Padlet

Subject area:

Social Studies or History, Technology Education

ISTE Standards:

For Educators:
  • Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and build inclusive communities online.
  • Design authentic learning activities that align with educational standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize learning.
  • Apply evidence-based instructional design principles to create innovative and equitable digital learning environments that support learning.


Spark Curiosity, Prioritize authentic experiences