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Lights, Camera, CanvaEDU: Empowering Students to Create Collaborative Videos


ISTELive Content
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Session description

Explore video creation with CanvaEDU. CanvaEDU’s free design tool allows educators and students to harness their creativity and demonstrate learning through collaborative video projects. Engage in features that facilitate easy and effective video creation, and gain insight into integrating video projects into the curriculum to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.


Content and engagement

15 minutes of Introductions and why CanvaEDU has been a game changer in our district that has moved from 1 to 1 macbooks to 1 to 1 chromebooks. We have had a student digital film festival for 17 years. Not having iMovie was something we needed to work past.
15 minutes of what is CanvaEDU, their mission to provide free access, signing in, and student examples from our district
60 minute create with the presenter experience -
We'll have a CanvaEDU collaborative whiteboard to collect ideas.
We'll offer the ability to work on a collaborative video with us or a partner.
We'll build together while incorporating the free music, video, image, and text elements, video editing tools and all of the possibilites surrounding our education access. We'll show case teacher videos with a peer to peer share or whole group if time permits. We'll encourage teachers to share what they created on social media.

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Supporting research

Awesome Sauce - Create videos to Inspire Students, Engage Parents and Save you time

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Instructional Technology Specialist
Director Digital and Learning Resources
El Paso Independent School District
Instructional Technology Specialist
El Paso ISD
Instructional Technology Specialist

Session specifications


Creativity and Storytelling



Grade level:



Librarian, Teacher, Technology Coach/Trainer

Attendee devices:

Devices required

Attendee device specification:

Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC

Participant accounts, software and other materials:

Our tool is web based. Teachers should have access to an updated browser.

Subject area:

Elementary/Multiple Subjects, Other: Please specify

ISTE Standards:

For Students:
Creative Communicator
  • Create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
  • Use digital tools to visually communicate complex ideas to others.
  • Publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.


Ensure Equity, Prioritize authentic experiences